Search results: Projects / data sets matching 'Churchill '

Ackerman1 Ackerman KG, Churchill GA QTL mapping of airway hyperresponsiveness in a backcross of A/J x C3H/HeJ (2005)
Ankra-Badu1 Ankra-Badu GA, Churchill GA QTL analysis of growth, body composition and reproduction in M16i x L6 F2 intercross (2009)
Attie2 Keller MP, Churchill GA, Attie AD Diet effects on Type 2 diabetes associated physiological traits in a Diversity Outbred (DO) mouse population on a high-fat high-sucrose diet (2018)
Bailey1 Bailey JS, Churchill GA Identification of QTL for locomotor activation and anxiety using related inbred strains C57BL/6J and C58/J (2008)
Bouma1 Bouma GJ, Churchill GA Gonadal and sex research in a backcross of Dax1 XY mice (2005)
Brich1 Brich J, Churchill GA Mapping of genetic loci that modify tau hyperphosphorylation in F2 progeny of BALB/cByJ x C57BL/6J intercross (2003)
Brockmann1 Brockmann GA, Churchill GA Genetic factors of body, muscle, fat weight and their pleiotropic effects in F2 progeny from 2 intercross populations (2009)
Burke1 Burke DT, Churchill GA Dissection of complex adult traits in a mouse synthetic population (2012)
Churchill1 Churchill GA, Baldwin C Bone characteristics and body composition of 63 F1-hybrid mouse strains from an 8-way diallel cross (2004)
Clemens1 Clemens KE, Churchill GA UV-induced immunosuppression in backcross mice (involving BALB/cAnNCrl and C57BL/6NCrl) (2000)
Davidson1 Davidson CE, Churchill GA Exencephaly research in BALB/cJ x FVB/NJ reciprocal backcross (2007)
Donahue2 Donahue L, Beamer WG, Bogue MA, Churchill GA Characterization of skeletal geometry and bone strength in 10 inbred strains of mice (2004)
Doorenbos1 Doorenbos C, Churchill GA Albuminuria QTL in the presence and absence of Apoe in 2 F2 intercross crosses (2008)
Dorward1 Dorward AM, Churchill GA Ovarian granulosa cell tumors in F2 progeny from the CAST/EiJ x SWXJ9/BmJ intercross (2005)
Farmer1 Farmer MA, Churchill GA QTL analysis of colitis severity in IL-10-deficient mice (2001)
Feng1 Feng M, Churchill GA Genetic analysis of blood pressure in 8 mouse intercross populations (2009)
French1 French JE, Gatti DM, Svenson KL, Churchill GA Effects of benzene inhalation exposure in male Diversity Outbred (DO) mice (2015)
Guay-Woodford1 Guay-Woodford LM, Churchill GA Kidney parameters predicting renal cystic disease severity in F2 progeny of BALB/c-Bicc1jcpk-bpk and CAST/EiJ (2000)
Hageman1 Hageman RS, Churchill GA eQTL research of urinary albumin excretion in MSxSM F2 intercross (2011)
Ishimori1 Ishimori N, Churchill GA Plasma HDL cholesterol, obesity, and atherosclerosis susceptibility in F2 progeny from a C57BL/6J x 129S1/SvImJ intercross (2004)
Kiernan1 Kiernan AE, Churchill GA Genetic modifiers affecting ear and eye phenotypes of Jag1 heterozygous mice (2007)
Kim1 Kim JH, Churchill GA Genetic analysis of non-insulin-dependent diabetes in backcross progeny between TallyHo and C57BL/6J strains (2001)
Li1 Li Q, Churchill GA Quantitative trait locus analysis of carotid atherosclerosis in an intercross between C57BL/6 and C3H apolipoprotein E-deficient mice (2008)
Lyons1 Lyons MA, Churchill GA Plasma lipids and susceptibility to gallstones in F2 progeny of DBA/2J x CAST/EiJ (2003)
Lyons2 Lyons MA, Churchill GA Gallstone susceptibility in F2 progeny of 129S1/SvImJ and CAST/EiJ (2003)
Lyons3 Lyons MA, Churchill GA Identification of QTLs to determine cholesterol levels in 129S1/SvImJ and RIIIS/J F2 intercross (2004)
Lyons4 Lyons MA, Churchill GA Gallstone susceptibility in F2 progeny of NZB/BlNJ and SM/J (2005)
Mahler1 Mahler M, Churchill GA Subphenotypes of colitis susceptibility in IL-10-deficient mice generated from backcrosses involving C3H/HeJBir and C57BL/6J (2002)
Mathews1 Mathews CE, Churchill GA Genetic analysis of resistance to Type-1 diabetes in ALR/Lt and NOD backcross (2003)
Mrug1 Mrug M, Churchill GA Identification of polycystic kidney disease modifier candidate in cpk mutant mice (2005)
Nishihara1 Nishihara E, Churchill GA Blood pressure in F2 progeny from C3H x NZO and NZO x C3H intercross populations (2007)
Pitman1 Pitman WA, Churchill GA Plasma HDL cholesterol regulation in backcross progeny involving NZB/BlNJ and SM/J (2002)
Recla2 Recla JM, Bubier JA, Gatti DM, Ryan JL, Robledo RF, Churchill GA, Chesler EJ, Bult CJ Late phase formalin pain response in a Diversity Outbred (DO) mouse population (2019)
Richards-Smith1 Richards-Smith BK, Churchill GA Fat, carbohydrate, and calorie intake for F2 reciprocal crosses involving C57BL/6J and CAST/EiJ on a self-selected macronutrient diet (2002)
Rodriguez1 Rodriguez MR, Churchill GA Identification of QTL that affects MCMV resistance in F2 progeny of NZW and NZB (2009)
Sheehan1 Sheehan SM, Churchill GA Urinary albumin concentration in F2 male mice from C57BL/6J x DBA/2J intercross (2007)
Shimomura1 Shimomura K, Churchill GA Identification of genetic loci that underlie circadian behavior in F2 progeny of BALB/cJ and C57BL/6J strain (2001)
Shockley1 Shockley K, Paigen B, Churchill GA Diet effects on blood chemistry and lipids in 10 inbred strains of mice (2008)
Solberg1 Solberg LC, Churchill GA Depression-like behavior research in the reciprocal intercross of WKY and Fisher 344 rat strain (2004)
Stylianou1 Stylianou IM, Churchill GA Weight and distribution of fat pads in F2 progeny of SM/J x NZB/BlNJ (2006)
Stylianou2 Stylianou IM, Churchill GA HDL in B6.A consomic and F2 mouse crosses (2006)
Su2 Su Z, Churchill GA Lipid QTL analysis and gene identification in 4 additional mouse crosses - cross1: C57BL/6J x C3H/HeJ F2 intercross (2009)
Sugiyama2 Sugiyama F, Churchill GA Blood pressure in males of reciprocal backcrosses between C57BL/6J (salt-sensitive) and A/J (non-salt-sensitive) (2001)
Sugiyama3 Sugiyama F, Churchill GA Blood pressure and heart rate in males of F2 progeny of BALB/cJ and CBA/CaJ (2002)
Svenson7 Svenson KL, Gatti DM, Churchill GA Effects of a high fat high sucrose diet on physiological traits in Diversity Outbred (DO) mice. (2020)
Tsaih1 Tsaih SW, Churchill GA QTL mapping in recombinant inbred intercross (RIX) hybrids (2005)
Wang1 Wang X, Churchill GA Plasma HDL cholesterol and atherosclerosis susceptibility in progeny from advanced intercross lines (AILs) involving C57BL/6J and NZB/BlNJ (2003)
Wergedal1 Wergedal JE, Churchill GA Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and related bone phenotypes in a NZB/BlNJ and RF/J F2 intercross (2006)
Wittenburg1 Wittenberg H, Churchill GA Cholesterol gallstones, gallbladder mucin accumulation, and related gallstone phenotypes in reciprocal backcrosses between AKR/J and SWR/J (2002)
Wittenburg2 Wittenberg H, Churchill GA Cholesterol gallstone formation in reciprocal backcrosses between PERA/EiJ and I/LnJ (2003)
Wittenburg3 Wittenberg H, Churchill GA Plasma lipids, cholesterol gallstones, and related gallstone phenotypes in an intercross between DBA/2J and PERA/EiJ (2005)
Xiong1 Xiong H, Churchill GA A flexible estimating equations approach for mapping function-valued traits - circadian mouse behavioral data in C57BL/6J and 129S1/SvImJ backcross (2011)
Yuan5 Yuan Z, Churchill GA QTL analysis of circulating adhesion molecules in apoE-/- mice (2008)
Yuan6 Yuan Z, Churchill GA PLxKK F2 intercross (2013)
Zhang1 Zhang Z, Churchill GA Genetic analysis of atherosclerosis and glucose homeostasis in an intercross between C57BL/6 and BALB/cJ apolipoprotein E-deficient mice (2012)