Available table downloads

From here you can download entire MPD data tables.        

animaldatapoints.csv.gz   Individual mouse readings for all strain survey phenotype measures. One row per animal reading. 28019 kB 2024-07-27
categodata.csv   Strain consensus values for all categorical (non-numeric) strain survey phenotype measures. 31 kB 2024-07-27
datasets.csv   Table of all public data sets (projects) in MPD. One row per data set. 147 kB 2024-07-27
datasets_pmids.csv   Journal articles associated with each MPD data set (PubMed IDs). 7 kB 2024-07-27
datasets_strains.csv   Mouse strains associated in each MPD data set (MPD strain IDs). 169 kB 2024-07-27
measstats.csv.gz   Overall averages (all strains combined) with SD, etc, for all numeric strain survey phenotype measures in MPD. 821 kB 2024-07-27
measurements.csv   Description, units, and other metadata attributes for all phenotype measures (traits) in MPD. One row per measure. 3460 kB 2024-07-27
ontology_mappings.csv   Ontology terms associated with each MPD phenotype measure. 1985 kB 2024-07-27
straininfo.csv   Strain name, vendor, stock number, web page URL, MPD strain ID, and other attributes for each mouse strain in MPD. One row per strain. 343 kB 2024-07-27
strainmeans.csv.gz   Strain averages, SD, SEM, N, CV for all numeric strain survey phenotype measures in MPD. 9667 kB 2024-07-27
studies.csv   Similar to datasets.csv above, but more detailed in terms of phenotype procedures. One row per procedure. 155 kB 2024-07-27

Other possibilities:

Our is available for getting data programatically.

To download a contributed data set, use MPD search to locate the data set's page, and download it from there.

To download data for a certain mouse strain, use MPD search to locate the strain's page, and download from there.

Other specific downloads can be prepared for you by request at phenome@jax.org