Data set | Procedure | What's in this data set | Panel | Sex | Age (weeks) | Year |
body weight
with high-fat diet |
inbred w/CC8 | both | 8-21 wks | 2021 | |
glucose tolerance
with high-fat diet |
Plasma glucose levels: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 min, post oral gavage following overnight fast. | inbred w/CC8 | both | 8-21 wks | 2021 |
hormone quantification
with high-fat diet |
Insulin levels following glucose post oral gavage: 0, 15, 30 min. | inbred w/CC8 | both | 8-21 wks | 2021 |
intake monitoring
with high-fat diet |
Food intake. | inbred w/CC8 | both | 8-21 wks | 2021 |
lipid profile
with high-fat diet |
Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. | inbred w/CC8 | both | 8-21 wks | 2021 |
metabolic panel
with high-fat diet |
Enzymes, creatinine, iron, lactate, urea. | inbred w/CC8 | both | 8-21 wks | 2021 |
monitoring system
with high-fat diet |
Oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, respiratory exchange rate (RER); activity. | inbred w/CC8 | both | 8-21 wks | 2021 |
organ dimensions
with high-fat diet |
Intestine length. | inbred w/CC8 | both | 8-21 wks | 2021 |
organ weights
with high-fat diet |
Cecum, muscles, heart, heart-atria, kidney, liver, spleen, fat pads. | inbred w/CC8 | both | 8-21 wks | 2021 |
treadmill endurance test
with high-fat diet |
Distance traveled. | inbred w/CC8 | both | 8-21 wks | 2021 |
genotype assessment | Gpr84 allele assessment. PCR, sequencing. | inbred w/CC8 (58) | both | 6wks | 2013 |
monitoring system
with morphine |
Induced respiratory depression, time to recovery (for mice that survived), survival data (for mice that did not survive). | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 8-24wks | 2020 |
body size and weight | Body weight and length. | inbred w/CC8 (72) | both | 10-13wks | 2009 |
complete blood count | Hematology. | inbred w/CC8 (72) | both | 10-13wks | 2009 |
DXA | Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density. | inbred w/CC8 (72) | both | 10-13wks | 2009 |
lipid profile | Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. 4h fast, plasma. | inbred w/CC8 (72) | both | 10-13wks | 2009 |
metabolic panel | Clinical blood chemistry (plasma). 4h fast. | inbred w/CC8 (72) | both | 10-13wks | 2009 |
body weight | Body weight | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 8-16wks | 2012 |
complete blood count | Hematology. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 8-16wks | 2012 |
DXA | Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content, bone area. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 8-16wks | 2012 |
ECG | Wave amplitudes and intervals. Conscious. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 8-16wks | 2012 |
lipid profile | Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides. 4h fast, plasma. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 8-16wks | 2012 |
metabolic panel | Glucose (plasma). 4h fast. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 8-16wks | 2012 |
tail cuff | Heart rate and blood pressure. Conscious mice. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 8-16wks | 2012 |
behavior observation | Wildness scoring. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
body size and weight | Body weight, body length, tail length. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
colony observation | Reproduction, fecundity. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
complete blood count | Hematology. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
fat pad weights | Gonadal fat pad weight. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
light-dark box | Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 10 min test. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
metabolic panel | Clinical blood chemistry. 16h fast. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
monitoring system | Sleep patterns. Dark period, total, peak activity. Baseline and after sleep deprivation. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
nociception assay | Hot plate and pressure on tail. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
open field test | Locomotor activity, exploratory, anxiety-related behavior. 10 min test. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
organ weights | Heart, kidney weights. | CC diallel w/par (62) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
behavior observation | Wildness scoring. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
body size and weight | Body weight, tail length. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
bone dimensions | Femur. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
colony observation | Reproduction, fecundity. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
complete blood count | Hematology. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
fat pad weights | Gonadal fat pad weights. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
light-dark box | Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 10 min test. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
metabolic panel | Clinical blood chemistry. 16h fast. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
monitoring system | Sleep patterns. Dark period, total, peak activity. Baseline and after sleep deprivation. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
nociception assay | Hot plate and pressure on tail. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
open field test | Locomotor activity, exploratory, anxiety-related behavior. 10 min test. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
organ dimensions | Kidney length and volume. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
organ weights | Heart, brain, kidney, spleen, gonadal fat pads, testicle weights. | CC pre w/par (367) | both | 7-15wks | 2011 |
body weight | Body weight | DO population w/par (9) | both | 12-16wks | 2013 |
light-dark box | Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 20 min test. | DO population w/par (9) | both | 12-16wks | 2013 |
nociception assay | Hot plate. | DO population w/par (9) | both | 12-16wks | 2013 |
open field test | Locomotor activity, exploratory, anxiety-related behavior. 20 min test. | DO population w/par (9) | both | 12-16wks | 2013 |
tail suspension test | Frequency climbing, time immobile, latency immobile. 5 min test. | DO population w/par (9) | both | 12-16wks | 2013 |
visual cliff | Anxiety, avoidance behavior. 20 min test. | DO population w/par (9) | both | 12-16wks | 2013 |
complete blood count | Hematology. | CC pre w/par (139) | m | 10-14wks | 2012 |
behavior observation
with haloperidol |
Observed involuntary repetitive movement. Baseline vs. during and after haloperidol 60d implant (several timepoints). | inbred w/CC8 (27) | m | 9-28wks | 2012 |
body weight
with haloperidol |
Baseline vs. after haloperidol 60d implant. | inbred w/CC8 (27) | m | 9-28wks | 2012 |
drug and metabolite quantification
with haloperidol |
Haloperidol concentration (plasma). Baseline vs. during and after haloperidol 60d implant (several timepoints). | inbred w/CC8 (27) | m | 9-28wks | 2012 |
inclined screen test
with haloperidol |
Baseline vs. during and after haloperidol 60d implant (several timepoints). | inbred w/CC8 (27) | m | 9-28wks | 2012 |
open field test
with haloperidol |
Locomotor activity, exploratory behavior, involuntary movement. Baseline vs. haloperidol 60d implant (several timepoints). 60 min test. | inbred w/CC8 (27) | m | 9-28wks | 2012 |
bottle choice test | Palatable food consumption, preference for Boost solution. | CC w/par (18) | both | 10-39wks | 2023 |
open field test | Locomotor response to novelty, habituation. | CC w/par (18) | both | 10-39wks | 2023 |
operant conditioning chamber | Reversal learning (impulsive action) and delay discounting (impulsive choice). | CC w/par (18) | both | 10-39wks | 2023 |
conditioned place preference test | In novel zone: exploration counts, entrance counts, time spent, activity counts, movement counts. | CC w/CC8 (61) | both | 4-25wks | 2021 |
hole board test | Number of entries, novel entries, and repeat entries. | CC w/CC8 (61) | both | 4-25wks | 2021 |
in vitro assay | Circadian parameters in fibroblast cultures: period, amplitude, phase, damping rate, goodness of fit. | CC w/CC8 (61) | both | 4-25wks | 2021 |
light-dark box | Distance traveled, ambulatory time and counts, resting time, stereotypic time and counts, jumping time and counts, vertical time and counts, time in light/dark. | CC w/CC8 (61) | both | 4-25wks | 2021 |
open field test
with cocaine |
Distance traveled, habituation ratio, number of rears, ambulatory time, time in perimeter, corners, and center; cocaine sensitization. | CC w/CC8 (61) | both | 4-25wks | 2021 |
operant conditioning chamber
with cocaine |
Number of infusions, active lever presses, inactive lever presses, intravenous self administration, reversal learning. | CC w/CC8 (61) | both | 4-25wks | 2021 |
urinalysis | Microalbumin, creatinine, ratio. | CC pre w/par (163) | m | 10wks | 2012 |
body weight
with influenza A (H1N1) virus |
Body weight | CC pre w/par (163) | f | 8-16wks | 2012 |
health assessment
with influenza A (H1N1) virus |
Clinical health assessment score and strain susceptibility index 4 days after infection with influenza A (H1N1) virus. | CC pre w/par (163) | f | 8-16wks | 2012 |
with influenza A (H1N1) virus |
Lungs and airway 4 days after infection with influenza A (H1N1) virus. | CC pre w/par (163) | f | 8-16wks | 2012 |
in vitro assay
with influenza A (H1N1) virus |
Viral replication log titer 4 days after infection with influenza A (H1N1) virus. In vitro. | CC pre w/par (163) | f | 8-16wks | 2012 |
open field test | Locomotor, exploratory, and anxiety-related behavior. 20 min test some at 5 min intervals. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 8-9wks | 2020 |
grip strength | Several trials. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 8-10wks | 2020 |
observation (SHIRPA) | Behavior, and neurosensory responses (SHIRPA protocol). | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 8-10wks | 2020 |
acoustic startle test | Acoustic startle response, prepulse inhibition. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 9-10wks | 2020 |
nociception assay | Hot plate (two trials). | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 11-12wks | 2020 |
transepidermal water loss test | Transepidermal water loss in condenser chamber. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 11-12wks | 2020 |
intake monitoring | Food, water intake. 21h test. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 12-13wks | 2020 |
monitoring system | Locomotor activity and energy metabolism. 21h test. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 12-13wks | 2020 |
NMR | Body mass, fat and lean tissue mass. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 12-13, 18-19wks | 2020 |
glucose tolerance | 0 to 120 min after 20% glucose i.p., 16h fast. | inbred w/CC8 (6) | both | 13-14wks | 2020 |
echocardiography | Cardiovascular function and morphology. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 14-15wks | 2020 |
computed tomography | Retinal thickness and fundus vessels. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 14-17wks | 2020 |
organ dimensions | Axial length of eye. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 14-17wks | 2020 |
Scheimpflug imaging | Eye lens density. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 14-17wks | 2020 |
virtual optomotor | Threshold of spatial frequency. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 14-17wks | 2020 |
complete blood count | Hematology. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 20-21wks | 2020 |
lipid profile | Cholesterol, triglycerides. No fast, plasma. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 16-17, 20-21wks | 2020 |
metabolic panel | Clinical blood chemistry (plasma). No fast. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 16-17, 20-21wks | 2020 |
body size and weight | Body weight and length. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 17-18wks | 2020 |
DXA | Body mass, fat mass, lean mass, bone mineral density and content, bone area. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 17-18wks | 2020 |
X-ray | Lumbar vertebrae count. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 17-18wks | 2020 |
ventilator | Lung, respiratory function. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | f | 21-22wks | 2020 |
autoantibody quantification | Anti-DNA autoantibodies, rheumatoid factor. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 16-17, 20-21wks | 2020 |
immunoglobulin quantification | Immunoglobulins (plasma). | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 16-17, 20-21wks | 2020 |
bone dimensions | Tibia bone length. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 20-21wks | 2020 |
organ weights | Heart, liver, spleen weights. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 20-21wks | 2020 |
body weight | Body weight and growth curve from 8wks to 21wks. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 8-21wks | 2020 |
body weight | Body weight | inbred w/CC8 (62) | both | 8-14wks | 2021 |
open field test | Locomotor activity and grooming behavior. | inbred w/CC8 (62) | both | 8-14wks | 2021 |
body size and weight | Body length measurements. | inbred w/CC8 (62) | both | 10-20 wks | 2021 |
gait analysis | Angular velocity, Stride speed, Step length, Step width, and other gait metrics. | inbred w/CC8 (62) | both | 10-20 wks | 2021 |
open field test | Distance traveled. | inbred w/CC8 (62) | both | 10-20 wks | 2021 |
immune cell quantification | Immunological cell variation. | CC w/par (76) | both | 5-8wks | 2018 |
immune cell quantification | total number of splenocytes, number of B cells in spleen, and percentage of splenocytes that are B cells | CC w/par (76) | both | 5-8wks | 2024 |
body weight
with exercise |
Baseline vs. after exercise (access to running wheel). | CC pre w/par (184) | m | 10-12wks | 2011 |
intake monitoring
with exercise |
Caloric intake. Baseline vs. after exercise (access to running wheel). Metabolism, food intake. | CC pre w/par (184) | m | 10-12wks | 2011 |
monitoring system
with exercise |
Respiratory exchange ratio. Baseline (before access to running wheel). | CC pre w/par (184) | m | 10-12wks | 2011 |
with exercise |
Body composition (percent fat). Baseline vs. after exercise (access to running wheel). | CC pre w/par (184) | m | 10-12wks | 2011 |
running wheel monitoring
with exercise |
Distance, speed at days 1, 6, and 12. | CC pre w/par (184) | m | 10-12wks | 2011 |
body weight
with high-fat diet and olanzapine |
Body weight and growth curve from age 8wks to 18wks weighed every 2wks. Olanzapine vs. control (both groups high-fat diet). | inbred w/CC8 (9) | f | 8-18wks | 2014 |
microscopy | Male reproductive sperm motility. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | m | 10-66wks | 2015 |
in vitro assay
with Neisseria musculi |
Bacterial load after inoculation with Neisseria musculi. Oral cavity. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 8-16wks | 2018 |
body weight
with influenza A (H3N2) virus |
Influenza A (H3N2) virus (several doses) vs. baseline. Several timepoints. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 7-13wks | 2013 |
health assessment
with influenza A (H3N2) virus |
Survival rate, susceptibility, influenza A (H3N2) virus (several doses). | inbred w/CC8 (8) | both | 7-13wks | 2013 |
body weight
with influenza A (H3N2) virus |
Influenza A (H3N2) virus vs. controls. Several timepoints. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | f | 8-12wks | 2016 |
complete blood count
with influenza A (H3N2) virus |
White blood cell count and differentials. Influenza A (H3N2) virus vs. controls. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | f | 8-12wks | 2016 |
in vitro assay
with influenza A (H3N2) virus |
Viral load in lungs after infection with influenza A (H3N2) virus. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | f | 8-12wks | 2016 |
body weight
with influenza A (H3N2) virus |
Influenza A (H3N2) virus vs. controls. Several timepoints. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | f | 8-12wks | 2016 |
organ weights
with influenza A (H3N2) virus |
Lung weight. Animals infected with influenza A (H3N2) virus vs. controls. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | f | 8-12wks | 2016 |
colony observation | Litter size assessment. | CC diallel w/par (62) | f | 3wks | 2018 |
body weight
with selenium |
Body weight curve 3 to 12 wks, control group. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | m | 3-14wks | 2018 |
RNA expression profiling
with selenium |
Selenium regulation of selenoprotein enzyme activity and transcripts. | inbred w/CC8 (8) | m | 3-14wks | 2018 |
genotyping | SNP profiling, 130,000+ genomic locations, 1-19,X,Y,MT. | CC w/par (77) | m | 2020 | |
genotyping | SNP profiling, 76,000+ genomic locations, 1-19,X,MT | CC w/par (77) | both | 2017 |