Search results: Projects / data sets matching 'Paigen '

Albers1 Albers JJ, Paigen B Diet-induced changes in plasma phospholipid transfer protein activity, lipids, and lipoproteins in 15 inbred strains of mice (1999)
Berndt1 Berndt A, Leme AS, Paigen B, Shapiro SD Methacholine-induced changes in airway resistance in 37 inbred strains of mice (2010)
Berndt2 Berndt A, Leme AS, Paigen B, Shapiro SD, Svenson KL Unrestrained plethysmograph and anesthetized forced oscillation methods of measuring lung function in 29 inbred strains of mice (2010)
Berndt4 Berndt A, Harrison DE, Paigen B, Sundberg JP Aging study: Pulmonary adenomas in 28 inbred strains of mice, age 20 months (2011)
Gavras1 Gavras H, Johns C, Paigen B, Peters LL Diet effects: salt-induced changes in blood pressure and heart rate in 11 inbred strains of mice (2003)
Hampton1 Hampton TG, Paigen B, Seburn KL Electrocardiography in 17 inbred strains of mice (2001)
Naggert1 Naggert J, Svenson KL, Smith RV, Paigen B, Peters LL Diet effects on bone mineral density and content, body composition, and plasma glucose, leptin, and insulin levels in 43 inbred strains of mice on a high-fat atherogenic diet (2003)
Paigen1 Paigen B, Bouchard G, Carey MC Diet effects on gallstone formation and the assessment of liver morphology, plasma lipids, and atherosclerosis in 44 inbred strains of mice on high-fat atherogenic diet (not under pathogen-free conditions) (2000)
Paigen2 Paigen B, Svenson KL, Peters LL Diet effects on plasma lipids and susceptibility to atherosclerosis in 43 inbred strains of mice on high-fat atherogenic diet (under pathogen-free conditions) (2002)
Paigen3 Paigen B, Bouchard G, Carey MC Diet effects on gallstone formation, liver pathology, plasma lipids, and pathogen-accelerated atherosclerosis in 8 obesity mutant mouse strains (2000)
Paigen4 Paigen B, Svenson KL, Peters LL Diet effects: Survey of plasma lipids in 43 inbred strains of mice fed standard maintenance diet (6% fat) (2002)
Shockley1 Shockley K, Paigen B, Churchill GA Diet effects on blood chemistry and lipids in 10 inbred strains of mice (2008)
Stylianou3 Paigen B, Stylianou IM Plasma/Serum HDL cholesterol in 81 strains (2009)
Sugiyama1 Sugiyama F, Tsukahara C, Paigen B Blood pressure survey in males of 25 inbred strains of mice (2007)
Svenson3 Svenson KL, Forejt J, Donahue L, Paigen B Hematology and blood chemistry of C57BL/6J-Chr#PWD/Ph/ForeJ mouse chromosome substitution strains (2006)
Svenson4 Svenson KL, Forejt J, Donahue L, Paigen B Bone mineral density and body composition in C57BL/6J-Chr#PWD/Ph/ForeJ mouse chromosome substitution strains (2006)
Svenson5 Svenson KL, Forejt J, Donahue L, Paigen B Sleep patterns in C57BL/6J-Chr#PWD/Ph/ForeJ chromosome substitution panel (2006)
Xing1 Xing S, Korstanje R, Paigen B Aging study: Electrocardiogram for 29 inbred strains of mice (2008)
Xing2 Xing S, Paigen B Aging study: Gait analysis compliance in 31 inbred strains of mice (2010)
Yuan2 Yuan R, Ackert-Bicknell C, Paigen B, Peters LL Aging study: Lifespan and survival curves for 31 inbred strains of mice (2007)