Studies involving drug and metabolite quantification      

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Crabbe2 drug and metabolite quantification
with diazepam
Diazepam (and metabolite) concentration in brain tissue immediately after diazepam injection and rotarod. inbred   (15) both 6-7wks 1998
Crowley1 drug and metabolite quantification
with haloperidol
Haloperidol concentration (plasma). Baseline vs. during and after haloperidol 60d implant (several timepoints). inbred w/CC8   (27) m 9-28wks 2012
Gould1 drug and metabolite quantification
with lithium
Lithium concentration in brain tissue and blood serum after lithium (several doses). inbred   (11) m 7-8wks 2011
Gould2 drug and metabolite quantification
with nicotine
Amount of nicotine and cotinine in blood plasma after nicotine doses. High and lower doses. inbred   (8) m 8-12wks 2011
Harrill2 drug and metabolite quantification
with DB289
Kidney metabolite (DB75) concentration. DB289-treated vs. control. inbred   (34) f 6-8wks 2012
Rusyn2 drug and metabolite quantification
with trichloroethylene
Trichloroethylene metabolites in serum, 2h, 4h, 24h after trichoroethylene exposure. inbred   (17) m 7wks 2010
Rusyn6 drug and metabolite quantification
with trichloroethylene
Trichloroethylene metabolite in blood, liver, kidney after trichloroethylene exposure. inbred   (7) m 6-7wks 2014
Threadgill2 drug and metabolite quantification
with acetaminophen
Acetaminophen metabolite concentrations (serum) and liver protein homeostasis. Baseline vs. acetaminophen (several doses, several timepoints). inbred   (5) m 6-8wks 2005
Wiltshire2 drug and metabolite quantification
with fluoxetine
Fluoxetine and norfluoxetine concentration (serum) after fluoxetine. inbred   (30) m 9-11wks 2011
Xenakis1 drug and metabolite quantification Plasma haloperidol concentration. CC RIX   (73) both 7-13wks 2020