Studies associated with ontology term
MP:0011969   'abnormal circulating triglyceride level'
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Data set Procedure What's in this data set Panel Sex Age (weeks) Year
Albers1 lipid profile
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides, phospholipids. 4h fast, plasma. Baseline vs. high-fat diet (6wks). inbred   (15) both 6-14wks 1999
Bautz1 study archive Plasma lipids. Cholesterol, triglycerides. QTL population both 12-14wks 2013
Bennett4 lipid profile Cholesterol, non-esterified fatty acids, triglyceride. both 8-20wks 2021
Brockmann1 study archive Body, organ weights, litter size, abdominal fat, lipids, insulin, leptin. QTL population both 3-6wks 2009
CGDpheno1 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. 4h fast, plasma. inbred w/CC8   (72) both 10-13wks 2009
CGDpheno3 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides. 4h fast, plasma. CC diallel w/par   (62) both 8-16wks 2012
Cheverud1 lipid profile
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids. High-fat diet (17wks) vs. control. 4h fast, serum. LGXSM w/par   (19) both 12-16wks 2004
Eumorphia1 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. Plasma. inbred   (8) both 12wks 2007
GMC06 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides, fatty acids. 16h fast, plasma. inbred   (5) both 10-11wks 2020
GMC16 lipid profile Cholesterol, triglycerides. No fast, plasma. inbred w/CC8   (8) both 16-17, 20-21wks 2020
HMDPpheno2 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. 16h fast, plasma. HMDP   (99) m 16wks 2010
Ishimori1 study archive
with high-fat diet
Lipids, atherosclerosis lesions, parathyroid hormone after high-fat diet. QTL population f 20wks 2004
JaxCC1 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, fatty acids. No fast, plasma. CC   (18) both various 2018
JaxKOMP-EAP lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, fatty acids. 4h fast, plasma. KOMP both 8-18wks 2021
Jaxpheno3 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. 4h fast, plasma. inbred   (11) both 8, 16 wks 2006
Lake1 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, fatty acids. 4h fast, plasma. B6.A consomic w/par   (23) both 7-11wks 2005
Leiter2 study archive Type 1 diabetes development study. QTL population f 14-40wks 2009
Li1 study archive
with western diet
Lipids, atherosclerosis lesion histopathology. High-fat, western-style diet. QTL population f 12wks 2008
Nadeau2 lipid profile
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Cholesterol, triglycerides. 16h fast, plasma. Hepatic triglycerides. B6.A consomic w/par   (24) m 5, 21 wks 2015
Nadeau3 lipid profile
with high-fat high-sucrose diet
Cholesterol and triglycerides. Overnight fast, plasma. Hepatic triglycerides. inbred   (2) m 21 wks 2016
Paigen2 lipid profile
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides. Baseline vs. high-fat diet (17wks). 4h fast, plasma. inbred w/CC7   (43) both 7-9wks, 24-27wks 2002
Paigen4 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, non-HDL, triglycerides. 4h fast, plasma. inbred w/CC7   (43) both 10wks 2002
Reifsnyder1 study archive Body weight (several ages), fat mass, body mass index, fat pad weights. QTL population m 4-24wks 2000
RIKEN-EAD1 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides. 4h fast, plasma. inbred RBRC   (56) both 8, 12 wks 2008
RIKEN-EAD2 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides. 4h fast, plasma. wild-derived RBRC   (33) both 8, 12 wks 2008
Schonfeld1 lipid profile Cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids, phospholipids. 5h fast, plasma. Hepatic triglycerides. inbred   (11) both 8-10wks 2005
Shockley1 lipid profile
with high-fat diet
Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, fatty acids. High-fat diet (4wks) vs. control. 5h fast, serum. inbred   (10) both 10-13wks 2008
Stylianou2 study archive Lipids. Cholesterol, triglycerides, body weight. QTL population both 8-10wks 2006
Su2 study archive
with high-fat diet
Lipids (plasma). Cholesterol, triglycerides, aortic lesions, body mass index. QTL population f 14wks 2009
Svenson3 lipid profile Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids. 4h fast, plasma. B6.PWD consomic w/par   (28) both 9wks 2006
Zhang1 study archive
with western diet
Atherosclerosis and glucose homeostasis. Lesions, lipids, glucose, insulin. High-fat, western-style diet. QTL population f <6-18wks 2012