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Project measures / variables set:   GMC01   center_time

ID, description, units MPD:55061   center_time   center time, successive 5 min intervals   [%]  
• 1st 5min    • 2nd 5min    • 3rd 5min    • 4th 5min
Data set, strains GMC01   inbred w/CC8   8 strains     sex: both     age: 8-9wks
Procedure open field test
Comparisontimecourse, same cohort
Ontology mappings

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GMC01 - center time, successive 5 min intervals


ANOVA Summary          "within" = Within error     "between" = Between Error (Animal ID)

Factor DF Sum of squares Mean sum of squares F value p-value (Pr>F)
within   group 3 2599.0895 866.3632 35.1849 < 0.0001
within   group:sex 3 175.1493 58.3831 2.3711 0.0692
within   group:strain 21 3031.0526 144.3358 5.8618 < 0.0001
within   group:sex:strain 21 516.7057 24.605 0.9993 0.4615
within   Residuals 777 19132.1879 24.6232
between   sex 1 411.961 411.961 5.7265 0.0174
between   strain 7 74929.1473 10704.1639 148.7948 < 0.0001
between   sex:strain 7 1882.1483 268.8783 3.7376 0.0007
between   Residuals 259 18632.227 71.9391

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


ProjectIDTreatmentMeasure / Variable Description PanelStrains
GMC01 55061 open field test (none) center time, successive 5 min intervals   [%]   1st 5min  center_time_1 inbred w/CC8 8 both 8-9wks
GMC01 55062 open field test (none) center time, successive 5 min intervals   [%]   2nd 5min  center_time_2 inbred w/CC8 8 both 8-9wks
GMC01 55063 open field test (none) center time, successive 5 min intervals   [%]   3rd 5min  center_time_3 inbred w/CC8 8 both 8-9wks
GMC01 55064 open field test (none) center time, successive 5 min intervals   [%]   4th 5min  center_time_4 inbred w/CC8 8 both 8-9wks