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Project measures / variables set:   Crowley1   stereotypy

ID, description, units MPD:39421   stereotypy   repetitive behavior, breaking of same beam, 60 min test   [n]  
haloperidol study
• day:    • 0    • 30    • 60    • 120
Data set, strains Crowley1   inbred w/CC8   27 strains     sex: m     age: 9-28wks
Procedure open field test
Comparisontimecourse, same cohort
Ontology mappings

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Crowley1 - repetitive behavior, breaking of same beam, 60 min test


ANOVA Summary          "within" = Within error     "between" = Between Error (Animal ID)

Factor DF Sum of squares Mean sum of squares F value p-value (Pr>F)
between   strain 25 1832621455.9916 73304858.2397 24.8731 < 0.0001
between   Residuals 122 359552606.6892 2947152.5138
within   day 3 286299150.1267 95433050.0422 85.506 < 0.0001
within   day:strain 75 227410767.1462 3032143.5619 2.7167 < 0.0001
within   Residuals 366 408491544.4771 1116097.1161

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


ProjectIDTreatmentMeasure / Variable Description PanelStrains
Crowley1 39421 open field test haloperidol repetitive behavior, breaking of same beam, 60 min test   [n]   on day 0  stereotypy_d0 inbred w/CC8 27 m 9-28wks
Crowley1 39422 open field test haloperidol repetitive behavior, breaking of same beam, 60 min test   [n]   on day 30  stereotypy_d30 inbred w/CC8 27 m 9-28wks
Crowley1 39423 open field test haloperidol repetitive behavior, breaking of same beam, 60 min test   [n]   on day 60  stereotypy_d60 inbred w/CC8 27 m 9-28wks
Crowley1 39424 open field test haloperidol repetitive behavior, breaking of same beam, 60 min test   [n]   on day 120  stereotypy_d120 inbred w/CC8 26 m 9-28wks