Project measures / variables set:   Crabbe5   err

ID, description, units MPD:19603   err   motor incoordination, errors over distance traveled, 1.6mm rod, 6mm space   [n/cm]  
ethanol study
• day1 control    • day2 control    • day3 ethanol
Data set, strains Crabbe5   inbred   8 strains     sex: both     age: 7-14wks
Procedure parallel rod floor test
Comparisonrepeated measures, set of trials, same cohort
Ontology mappings

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Crabbe5 - motor incoordination, errors over distance traveled, 1.6mm rod, 6mm space


ANOVA Summary          "within" = Within error     "between" = Between Error (Animal ID)

Factor DF Sum of squares Mean sum of squares F value p-value (Pr>F)
between   sex 1 2.5269 2.5269 0.0309 0.8611
between   strain 6 1488.1682 248.028 3.0288 0.0115
between   sex:strain 6 871.5355 145.2559 1.7738 0.1189
between   Residuals 63 5159.0634 81.8899
within   group 2 35943.9288 17971.9644 226.4981 < 0.0001
within   group:sex 2 8.8173 4.4086 0.0556 0.946
within   group:strain 12 2989.1804 249.0984 3.1394 0.0006
within   group:sex:strain 12 1479.0337 123.2528 1.5533 0.1139
within   Residuals 126 9997.7318 79.3471

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


ProjectIDTreatmentMeasure / Variable Description PanelStrains
Crabbe5 19603 parallel rod floor test ethanol motor incoordination, errors over distance traveled, 1.6mm rod, 6mm space   [n/cm]   control (day 1)  err_base_D1 inbred 8 both 7-14wks
Crabbe5 19604 parallel rod floor test ethanol motor incoordination, errors over distance traveled, 1.6mm rod, 6mm space   [n/cm]   control (day 2)  err_base_D2 inbred 8 both 7-14wks
Crabbe5 19606 parallel rod floor test ethanol motor incoordination, errors over distance traveled, 1.6mm rod, 6mm space   [n/cm]   day3 ethanol  err_EtOH_D3 inbred 8 both 7-14wks