Search results: Projects / data sets matching 'Yuan '

Yuan1 Yuan R, Rosen CJ, Beamer WG Aging study: IGF-1 and body weight for 33 inbred strains of mice (2007)
Yuan2 Yuan R, Ackert-Bicknell C, Paigen B, Peters LL Aging study: Lifespan and survival curves for 31 inbred strains of mice (2007)
Yuan3 Yuan R, Korstanje R Aging study: Blood chemistry for 32 inbred strains of mice (2008)
Yuan4 Yuan R Aging study: Vaginal opening and sexual maturation in females of 33 inbred strains of mice (2009)
Yuan5 Yuan Z, Churchill GA QTL analysis of circulating adhesion molecules in apoE-/- mice (2008)
Yuan6 Yuan Z, Churchill GA PLxKK F2 intercross (2013)