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Donahue14: Reproductive performance of 42 BXD (RwwJ) recombinant inbred strains of mice (2011)

Donahue L

Donahue14 downloads
• Download Donahue14 project data set     animal data, as uploaded
• Download Donahue14 animal data matrix     with factor-related expansion applied as necessary
• Download Donahue14 strain means, SD, N, etc.     one row per strain/sex/measure
• Donahue14 supplementary data
Investigators Leah Rae Donahue       The Jackson Laboratory,  Bar Harbor, ME
ContactLeah Rae Donahue     Lab web site
Affiliated CenterJAX Special Mouse Strains Resource
Part of a series: • RwwJ ... SPF maximum barrier room   (this project) Donahue14
• TyJ .... standard barrier room   see Donahue17
AcknowledgementsFunding provided by NIH RR016049, OD011102.
Project type Phenotype strain survey data set
MPD identifiersDonahue14     MPD:423
Data changelog No updates/corrections.       Initial release date: 11/2012.
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Procedures conducted:
• colony observation  Reproduction, fecundity. Litter size, litter interval, percent weaned, pup sexes.

Mice: BXD   42 strains   ♀   age 3-60wks   1 experimental group