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Project measures / variables set:   Berndt2   exp_flow

ID, description, units MPD:35148   exp_flow   expiratory flow rate   [mL/kg/s]  
methacholine study
• saline    • 5 MCh    • 10 MCh    • 20 MCh    • response index
Data set, strains Berndt2   inbred   29 strains     sex: both     age: 9-12wks
Procedure plethysmography
Comparisonrepeated measures, baseline then treated multiple doses, same cohort
Ontology mappings

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Berndt2 - expiratory flow rate


ANOVA Summary          "within" = Within error     "between" = Between Error (Animal ID)

Factor DF Sum of squares Mean sum of squares F value p-value (Pr>F)
between   sex 1 18.43 18.43 42.6076 < 0.0001
between   strain 28 319.0012 11.3929 26.3388 < 0.0001
between   sex:strain 28 23.7053 0.8466 1.9573 0.0029
between   Residuals 412 178.2116 0.4326
within   group 3 72.9812 24.3271 153.002 < 0.0001
within   group:sex 3 2.131 0.7103 4.4676 0.004
within   group:strain 84 119.9305 1.4277 8.9796 < 0.0001
within   group:sex:strain 84 21.2429 0.2529 1.5905 0.0008
within   Residuals 1236 196.5218 0.159

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


ProjectIDTreatmentMeasure / Variable Description PanelStrains
Berndt2 35148 plethysmography methacholine expiratory flow rate   [mL/kg/s]   saline  exp_flow_saline inbred 29 both 9-12wks
Berndt2 35149 plethysmography methacholine expiratory flow rate   [mL/kg/s]   5 MCh  exp_flow_mch5 inbred 29 both 9-12wks
Berndt2 35150 plethysmography methacholine expiratory flow rate   [mL/kg/s]   10 MCh  exp_flow_mch10 inbred 29 both 9-12wks
Berndt2 35151 plethysmography methacholine expiratory flow rate   [mL/kg/s]   20 MCh  exp_flow_mch20 inbred 29 both 9-12wks
Berndt2 35152 plethysmography methacholine expiratory flow rate   [mL/kg/s]   response index  exp_flow_slope inbred 29 both 9-12wks (supplemental /
  summary measure)