Tordoff3 supplemental data

Diet preference: Survey of calcium and sodium intake, blood pH and calcium level, and bone and body composition data in 40 inbred strains of mice   (2002)

Tordoff MG, Bachmanov AA

Click here to download the Tordoff3 supplemental data file

This supplemental data file (Excel format) includes all MPD-accessioned measurements described on the Tordoff3 project page, plus a number of additional measurements. The following table illustrates:

Short nameDescriptionUnitsMPD measurement?
batchWhich of 5 main groups the mouse belonged to    
DOBDate of birth (at JAX) mm/dd/yy  
DOADate of arrival (at Monell, shipped the previous day from JAX) mm/dd/yy  
DOTDate behavioral tests began mm/dd/yy  
ageAge at the start of the 1st test (water vs. water) days Y
bw_startBody weight at start of testing g Y
bw_endBody weight at end of behavioral tests (before 1st blood sample) g Y
control_leftspoutAverage daily intake of water from spout 1st presented on the mouse's right mL/d  
control_rightspoutAverage daily intake of water from spout 1st presented on the mouse's left mL/d  
control_totalAverage daily intake from both spouts containing water mL/d  
control_prefPreference for spout 1st presented on right relative to total water intake %  
CaCl2_win7Average daily intake of water when 7.5 mM CaCl2 was available mL/d  
CaCl2_sin7Average daily intake of 7.5 mM CaCl2 mL/d  
CaCl2_tin7Average daily intake of both water and 7.5 mM CaCl2 mL/d  
CaCl2_pref7Preference for 7.5 mM CaCl2 relative to total intake from both spouts % Y
CaCl2_win25Average daily intake of water when 25 mM CaCl2 was available mL/d  
CaCl2_sin25Average daily intake of 25 mM CaCl2 mL/d  
CaCl2_tin25Average daily intake of both water and 25 mM CaCl2 mL/d  
CaCl2_pref25Preference for 25 mM CaCl2 relative to total intake from both spouts % Y
CaCl2_win75Average daily intake of water when 75 mM CaCl2 was available mL/d  
CaCl2_sin75Average daily intake of 75 mM CaCl2 mL/d  
CaCl2_tin75Average daily intake of both water and 75 mM CaCl2 mL/d  
CaCl2_pref75Preference for 75 mM CaCl2 relative to total intake from both spouts % Y
CaLa_win7Average daily intake of water when 7.5 mM CaLa was available mL/d  
CaLa_sin7Average daily intake of 7.5 mM CaLa mL/d  
CaLa_tin7Average daily intake of both water and 7.5 mM CaLa mL/d  
CaLa_pref7Preference for 7.5 mM CaLa relative to total intake from both spouts % Y
CaLa_win25Average daily intake of water when 25 mM CaLa was available mL/d  
CaLa_sin25Average daily intake of 25 mM CaLa mL/d  
CaLa_tin25Average daily intake of both water and 25 mM CaLa mL/d  
CaLa_pref25Preference for 25 mM CaLa relative to total intake from both spouts % Y
CaLa_win75Average daily intake of water when 75 mM CaLa was available mL/d  
CaLa_sin75Average daily intake of 75 mM CaLa mL/d  
CaLa_tin75Average daily intake of both water and 75 mM CaLa mL/d  
CaLa_pref75Preference for 75 mM CaLa relative to total intake from both spouts % Y
NaCl_win25Average daily intake of water when 25 mM NaCl was available mL/d  
NaCl_sin25Average daily intake of 25 mM NaCl mL/d  
NaCl_tin25Average daily intake of both water and 25 mM NaCl mL/d  
NaCl_pref25Preference for 25 mM NaCl relative to total intake from both spouts % Y
NaCl_win75Average daily intake of water when 75 mM NaCl was available mL/d  
NaCl_sin75Average daily intake of 75 mM NaCl mL/d  
NaCl_tin75Average daily intake of both water and 75 mM NaCl mL/d  
NaCl_pref75Preference for 75 mM NaCl relative to total intake from both spouts % Y
NaCl_win225Average daily intake of water when 225 mM NaCl was available mL/d  
NaCl_sin225Average daily intake of 225 mM NaCl mL/d  
NaCl_tin225Average daily intake of both water and 225 mM NaCl mL/d  
NaCl_pref225Preference for 225 mM NaCl relative to total intake from both spouts % Y
NaLa_win25Average daily intake of water when 25 mM NaLa was available mL/d  
NaLa_sin25Average daily intake of 25 mM NaLa mL/d  
NaLa_tin25Average daily intake of both water and 25 mM NaLa mL/d  
NaLa_pref25Preference for 25 mM NaLa relative to total intake from both spouts % Y
NaLa_win75Average daily intake of water when 75 mM NaLa was available mL/d  
NaLa_sin75Average daily intake of 75 mM NaLa mL/d  
NaLa_tin75Average daily intake of both water and 75 mM NaLa mL/d  
NaLa_pref75Preference for 75 mM NaLa relative to total intake from both spouts % Y
NaLa_win225Average daily intake of water when 225 mM NaLa was available mL/d  
NaLa_sin225Average daily intake of 225 mM NaLa mL/d  
NaLa_tin225Average daily intake of both water and 225 mM NaLa mL/d  
NaLa_pref225Preference for 225 mM NaLa relative to total intake from both spouts % Y
bleeding_timeThe time from when the tail was cut until we had collected 1/2 hematocrit tube full of blood (approx 30 ul) sec Y
ionized_Cablood ionized calcium mg/dL Y
pHblood pH   Y
adj_ionized_Cablood ionized calcium adjusted to pH 7.4 mg/dL Y
total_calciumplasma total calcium mg/dL Y
age_endage of mouse at death d  
wt_carcassweight of thawed carcass g  
BMDbone mineral density g/cm2 Y
BMCbone mineral content g Y
bone_areacalculated bone area cm2  
lean_wtcalculated weight of lean tissue g Y
fat_wtcalculated weight of fat tissue g Y
total_wttotal weight (lean + fat) g Y
pct_fatpercent fat % Y
pct_leanpercent lean % Y