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CGD-MDA4: SNP data from Mouse Diversity Genotyping Array, 470,000+ locations for 74 strains of mice (RI panels AKXL, AXB, BXA, BXH, CXB) (2014)

Yang H, Wang JR, Didion JP, Buus RJ, Bell TA, Welsh CE, Bonhomme F, Yu AH, Nachman MW, Pialek J, Tucker P, Boursot P, McMillan L, Churchill GA, de Villena FP. Subspecific origin and haplotype diversity in the laboratory mouse. Nat Genet. 2011 May 29;43(7):648-55. doi: 10.1038/ng.847.   PubMed 21623374     FullText

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Institutional authorship Center for Genome Dynamics (CGD)     Lab web site
Investigators Gary A Churchill       The Jackson Laboratory,  Bar Harbor, ME
Participants Churchill GA, Yang H, Ding Y, Hutchins LN, Szatkiewicz J, Wang JR, Didion JP, Buus RJ, Welsh CE, Yu AH, Nachman MW, Pialek J, Tucker P, Boursot P, McMillan L, Bell TA, Paigen B, Graber JH, Bonhomme F, de Villena FP
ContactGary A Churchill     Lab web site
Part of a series: • MDA SNPs, inbred strains   see CGD-MDA1
• BXD strains   see CGD-MDA2
• ILSXISS strains   see CGD-MDA3
• AXB, BXA, BXH, CXB, AKXL strains   (this project) CGD-MDA4
• B6.A and B6.PWD chr substition strains   see CGD-MDA5
Project type SNP/variation strain survey data set
MPD identifiersCGD-MDA4     MPD:322
Data changelog No updates/corrections.       Initial release date: 04/2014.
Formatted citation
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• SNP profiling, 470,000+ genomic locations, 1-19,X,Y,MT.
72 strains tested
• Panel: AXB, BXA, BXH, CXB, AKXL w/par