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Project measure / variable:   Golani1   NLEXC

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Golani1 - number of stops per excursions (lingering segments), 30 min test

Measure Summary Male
Number of strains tested8 strains
Mean of the strain means16.9   n
Median of the strain means16.3   n
SD of the strain means± 4.68
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.277
Min–max range of strain means12.0   –   25.6   n
Mean sample size per strain32.5   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
strain 7 4366.4272 623.7753 10.6063 < 0.0001
Residuals 252 14820.5749 58.8118

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
129S1/SvImJ m 15.4 5.28   34 0.905 0.343 7.36, 31.2 -0.32
A/J m 25.6 16.3   22 3.47 0.637 4.0, 58.8 1.86
BALB/cByJ m 17.2 7.76   28 1.47 0.451 3.57, 30.0 0.06
C3H/HeJ m 20.7 8.49   35 1.43 0.409 8.96, 42.2 0.81
C57BL/6J m 12.8 3.47   36 0.578 0.272 7.47, 21.0 -0.88
DBA/2J m 12.8 4.61   35 0.779 0.361 6.75, 23.8 -0.88
FVB/NJ m 12.0 4.66   36 0.777 0.388 6.3, 30.4 -1.05
SJL/J m 18.7 8.44   34 1.45 0.452 8.77, 47.3 0.38

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
129S1/SvImJ m 15.3985 1.3152 17.9887 12.8083
A/J m 25.5736 1.635 28.7937 22.3536
BALB/cByJ m 17.2157 1.4493 20.07 14.3615
C3H/HeJ m 20.7446 1.2963 23.2975 18.1917
C57BL/6J m 12.7664 1.2781 15.2836 10.2492
DBA/2J m 12.7689 1.2963 15.3218 10.2159
FVB/NJ m 12.0228 1.2781 14.54 9.5056
SJL/J m 18.6697 1.3152 21.2599 16.0795