This supplemental data file (Excel format) includes all MPD-accessioned measurements described on the Wahlsten2 project page, plus a number of additional measurements. The following table illustrates: |
Short name | Description | Units | MPD measurement? |
site | location of testing | ||
shipment | shipment batch | ||
capt_of | capture rating, open field | score | |
capt_epm | capture rating, elevated plus maze | score | |
capt_rr1 | capture rating, rotorod1 | score | |
capt_rr2 | capture rating, rotorod2 | score | |
capt_rr3 | capture rating, rotorod3 | score | |
capt_rr4 | capture rating, rotorod4 | score | |
capt_rr5 | capture rating, rotorod5 | score | |
capt_wm1 | capture rating, water escape1 | score | |
capt_wm2 | capture rating, water escape2 | score | |
capt_wm3 | capture rating, water escape3 | score | |
capt_wm4 | capture rating, water escape4 | score | |
capt_wm5 | capture rating, water escape5 | score | |
capt_bw1 | capture rating, weighing1 | score | |
capt_bw2 | capture rating, weighing2 | score | |
capt_bw3 | capture rating, weighing3 | score | |
hold_of | hold rating, open field | score | |
hold_epm | hold rating, elevated plus maze | score | |
hold_rr1 | hold rating, rotorod1 | score | |
hold_rr2 | hold rating, rotorod2 | score | |
hold_rr3 | hold rating, rotorod3 | score | |
hold_rr4 | hold rating, rotorod4 | score | |
hold_rr5 | hold rating, rotorod5 | score | |
hold_wm1 | hold rating, water escape1 | score | |
hold_wm2 | hold rating, water escape2 | score | |
hold_wm3 | hold rating, water escape3 | score | |
hold_wm4 | hold rating, water escape4 | score | |
hold_wm5 | hold rating, water escape5 | score | |
hold_bw1 | hold rating, weighing1 | score | |
hold_bw2 | hold rating, weighing2 | score | |
hold_bw3 | hold rating, weighing3 | score | |
nsqueak | number of tests with squeaks | score | Y |
nbite | number of tests with bites | score | Y |
nflee | number of tests with escapes | score | Y |
nplacid | number of placid tests (capture ratings+ hold ratings=0) | score | Y |
capture | capture rating, overall mean | score | Y |
hold | hold rating, overall mean | score | Y |
wildness | wildness rating, sum of capture and hold means | score | Y |
of_epm | wildness rating, mean during open field and elevated plus maze | score | Y |
rrod | wildness rating, mean during rotorod | score | Y |
wmaze | wildness rating, mean during water escape | score | Y |
weigh | wildness rating, mean during weighing | score | Y |
log_capt | capture rating, log 10 (capture+1) | score | |
log_hold | hold rating, log 10 (hold+1) | score | |
log_wild | wildness rating, log 10 (wildness rating+1) | score |