ITP2020 compounds

Interventions Testing Program: Lifespan effects in UM-HET3 mice treated with a-ketoglutarate, canagliflozin, 2,4-dinitrophenol, hydralazine, nebivolol, 16-a-hydroxyestriol, sodium thiosulfate   (2024)

Miller RA, Strong R, Korstanje R, Harrison DE, Rosenthal NA

Studied compounds:

16-a-hydroxyestriol: One of three major endogenous estrogens; tested to pursue the hypothesis about the sex-specific lifespan benefit induced by 17-a-estradiol which increases median survival by 20% in males only. Also known as 16-a-hydroxyestradiol. [Wikipedia article]

2,4-dinitrophenol: A compound that may mimic the potential benefit of leakage of protons across mitochondria, bypassing ATP synthase, reducing free radical production. [Wikipedia article]

a-Ketoglutarate: This compound is thought to act through increased production of NAD, and thence through sirtuin-mediated enhancement of peroxisome biogenesis and function, including increased beta-oxidation of fatty acids (reported to extend lifespan in C. elegans). [Wikipedia article]

canagliflozin: An FDA-approved diabetes drug that acts primarily by inhibition of the sodium glucose transporter 2 (SGLT2); can greatly reduce the risk of progression to kidney failure as well as the risk of cardiovascular events. [Wikipedia article]

Hydralazine: A compound that may affect molecular pathways associated with longevity (in C. elegans, it has been shown to extend lifespan by activating NRF2/SKN-1 signaling and by enhancing mitochondrial function via sirtuin activation). [Wikipedia article]

Nebivolol: A compound that may be a candidate anti-mTOR geroprotective agent. [Wikipedia article]

Sodium thiosulfate: A compound implicated in the internal production of hydrogen sulfide as a potential mediator of lifespan extension and stress resistance in several mouse models of calorie and amino acid restriction (hydrogen sulfide can also extend the lifespan of C. elegans). [Wikipedia article]