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GMC04 project protocol

Motor coordination and balance assessed by the rotarod test in 7 inbred founder strains of the Collaborative Cross   (2020)

German Mouse Clinic and Department of Infection Genetics, HZI
With: Hrabě de Angelis M, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Becker L, Klopstock T, Lengger C, Kollmus H, Schughart K

German Mouse Clinic: Phenotyping Pipeline

Rotarod: 9-10 wks of age


  • Project protocol - Contents

    Workflow and sampling

    Data collected
    Rotarod Rotarod apparatus
    Latency to fall (3 trials)
    2 Body weight Balance Body weight

    Equipment and supplies

    • Accelerating rotarod: Bioseb (Rota-Rod/RS LE8200), FRANCE
      • Rod: 5 cm diameter, made of hard plastic material, covered by grey rubber foam
      • Lane width: 5 cm
    • Stop watch
    • Balance: Ohaus (AV213C)

    Reagents and solutions

    • Cleaning solution: 50% ethanol

    Procedure: Rotarod

      1. Mice are acclimated to the testing room for at least 15 min.
      2. Three to five mice are measured concurrently on the rod with a divider between the respective lanes.
      3. Each mouse is subjected to three trials separated by 15 min inter-trial intervals (ITI).
      4. The apparatus is set to accelerating mode from 4 to 40 rpm in 5 min.
      5. Mice are positioned in their respective lanes, with mice walking forward on the rod at 4 rpm.
      6. The start button is pressed so that the rotarod increases in speed over time.
      7. The latency at which each mouse falls off the rod is recorded.
        • If a mouse clinging on the rod completes a full passive rotation, the timer is stopped for that mouse by pushing down the lever and latency recorded as such. In this case, passive rotation is considered a failure in performance, like falling. Make note of passive falling.

    Data collected by investigator

    • Latency to fall from accelerating rotarod (3 trials, mean of all trials)
    • Body weight