Crabbe1 animal documentation

Drug study: Evaluation of ethanol sensitivity and intoxication using motor incoordination in the balance beam and grid test, in 8 inbred strains of mice   (2003)

Crabbe JC, Wahlsten D
With: Metten P, Yu C-H, Schlumbohm JP, Cameron AJ

Vendor: Mice obtained from The Jackson Laboratory.

Health status report: The Jackson Laboratory Diagnostics Laboratory routinely monitors and documents animal health status using statistically valid sampling procedures and standard protocols. See JAX®Mice Quality Control Programs or the JAX®Mice Catalog for the list of agents monitored.

Sentinel mice from production facility and research facility (non-SPF) rooms represented in this study were negative for all agents tested except those noted in detailed health status reports for each animal room.

Shipment notes and dates: Shipping and testing were accomplished in four batches.

Shipment age: Most mice were shipped at 7 wks of age with behavioral tests beginning at 8-10 wks of age.

Environment before shipping

Feed: Purina 5K52 (6% fat diet).

Water: Adjusted with hydrochloric acid to pH 2.8-3.1 and supplemented with menadione sodium bisulfite (final concentration 0.4 mg/mL) to compensate for potential decrease in vitamin K activity upon autoclaving; water supplied in pinhole type bottles (Thoren Caging Systems, Inc. Hazelton, PA).

Housing: Thoren cages; Thoren Maxi Miser #3 cages used for some strains as part of a PIV (pressurized individually ventilated) system.

Bedding: Steam autoclaved white pine shavings.

Photoperiod: 14 h light (generally 0430 h) 10 h dark.

Temperature: 18 - 24 °C.

Relative humidity: ~50%.

Acclimation and Testing Periods

Duration: 1-3 wks in conventional, non-barrier facility at Oregon Health and Science University, Portland Oregon, USA.

Feed: Purina 5001 bought locally; ad libitum.

Water: Tap; ad libitum.

Housing: Usually 3 mice per cage (Thoren 1A (11" x 7" x 6") with filter tops for all strains).

Bedding: 1/4" Bed-o-cob.

Photoperiod: 12 h on (0600 h) 12 h off.

Temperature: 21 +/- 1.0 °C.

Health status report: Mice were reported in excellent health.