CSNA01 animal documentation

Characterization of oral sucrose self administration in males of 87 strains of the Hybrid Mouse Diversity Panel (HMDP) and 4 wild-derived strains   (2018)

Jentsch JD, Bagley J, James AS

Animal documentation

Source The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME); breeding colony of Dr. Aldons Lusis at UCLA; University of Tennessee Health Sceince Center (laboratory of Dr. Robert Williams)
Mice were received between 5 and 20 wks of age and housed for a minimum of 2 wks before beginning experiments

Not specified, provided ad libitum except during food restriction period

Provided ad libitum
Not specified
Not specified

Mice were housed in the animal facilities at UCLA; housed in sets of 1-3 mice per cage

Photoperiod 12h:12h on/off; tested between 0700h and 1900h (light cycle)
Care and Use
All procedures involving animals were performed according to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals in the AAALAC accredited program at Binghamton University with IACUC approval