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      • blood lipid amount

    • blood phospholipid amount   VT:0006084   (10)
    Definition: The proportion, quantity, or volume in whole blood, serum, or plasma of the fat derivatives in which one fatty acid has been replaced by a phosphate group. [MP:0006084]; xref: EFO:0010390; xref: EFO:0010391; xref: EFO:0010392; xref: EFO:0010393; xref: EFO:0010394; xref: EFO:0010395; xref: EFO:0010396; xref: EFO:0010397; xref: EFO:0010398; xref: EFO:0020047; xref: EFO:0020048; xref: EFO:0020049; xref: EFO:0022291; xref: EFO:0022292; xref: EFO:0022300; xref: EFO:0022315; xref: EFO:0800185; xref: EFO:0800611; xref: EFO:0801075; xref: EFO:0801120;
      (No descendants that are mapped to MPD data)

    MP:0006084 (abnormal circulating phospholipid level) is numbered similarly to VT:0006084 but is over in the MP ontology (semantics may or may not be similar).

    • To list mapped measures click on the counts in parentheses.
    • Counts are "number of measure mappings" and aren't necessarily the count of distinct measures.
    • Terms ending in "_" are terminal (leaf) nodes in the ontology structure.
    • To start at a root node:   VT root   MA root   MP root
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