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Project measures / variables set:   CSNA03   dist_l60_cont_do

ID, description, units MPD:90384   dist_l60_cont_do   distance traveled, last 60 min (post-injection), on successive days, saline control, DO   [cm]  
• day:    • 1    • 2    • 3    • 5    • 7    • 9    • 11    • 12    • 19
Data set, strains CSNA03   DO population w/par   9 strains     sex: both     age: 8-21wks
Procedure open field test
Comparisontimecourse, same cohort
Ontology mappings

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CSNA03 - distance traveled, last 60 min (post-injection), on successive days, saline control, DO


ANOVA Summary          "within" = Within error     "between" = Between Error (Animal ID)

Factor DF Sum of squares Mean sum of squares F value p-value (Pr>F)
within   day 8 786817047.7553 98352130.9694 9.1429 < 0.0001
within   day:sex 8 59647018.9234 7455877.3654 0.6931 0.698
within   day:strain 64 2763622061.9386 43181594.7178 4.0142 < 0.0001
within   day:sex:strain 64 1457768462.5216 22777632.2269 2.1174 < 0.0001
within   Residuals 2752 29603738382.9458 10757172.3775
between   sex 1 2460414693.8415 2460414693.8415 9.7705 0.0019
between   strain 8 60998994186.0534 7624874273.2567 30.279 < 0.0001
between   sex:strain 8 7615747102.314 951968387.7892 3.7803 0.0003
between   Residuals 344 86626386316.4163 251820890.4547

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


ProjectIDTreatmentMeasure / Variable Description PanelStrains
CSNA03 90384 open field test (none) distance traveled, last 60 min (post-injection), on successive days, saline control, DO   [cm]   day 1  dist_l60_cont_do_d1 DO population w/par 9 both 8-21wks
CSNA03 90390 open field test (none) distance traveled, last 60 min (post-injection), on successive days, saline control, DO   [cm]   day 2  dist_l60_cont_do_d2 DO population w/par 9 both 8-21wks
CSNA03 90396 open field test (none) distance traveled, last 60 min (post-injection), on successive days, saline control, DO   [cm]   day 3  dist_l60_cont_do_d3 DO population w/par 9 both 8-21wks
CSNA03 90402 open field test (none) distance traveled, last 60 min (post-injection), on successive days, saline control, DO   [cm]   day 5  dist_l60_cont_do_d5 DO population w/par 9 both 8-21wks
CSNA03 90408 open field test (none) distance traveled, last 60 min (post-injection), on successive days, saline control, DO   [cm]   day 7  dist_l60_cont_do_d7 DO population w/par 9 both 8-21wks
CSNA03 90414 open field test (none) distance traveled, last 60 min (post-injection), on successive days, saline control, DO   [cm]   day 9  dist_l60_cont_do_d9 DO population w/par 9 both 8-21wks
CSNA03 90420 open field test (none) distance traveled, last 60 min (post-injection), on successive days, saline control, DO   [cm]   day 11  dist_l60_cont_do_d11 DO population w/par 9 both 8-21wks
CSNA03 90426 open field test (none) distance traveled, last 60 min (post-injection), on successive days, saline control, DO   [cm]   day 12  dist_l60_cont_do_d12 DO population w/par 9 both 8-21wks
CSNA03 90432 open field test (none) distance traveled, last 60 min (post-injection), on successive days, saline control, DO   [cm]   day 19  dist_l60_cont_do_d19 DO population w/par 9 both 8-21wks