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Project measures / variables set:   Seburn2   grip_strength

ID, description, units MPD:24801   grip_strength   grip strength, peak tension over 3 trials   [g]  
• 6mo    • 12mo    • 18mo    • 24mo
Data set, strains Seburn2   inbred   32 strains     sex: both
Procedure grip strength
Comparisontimecourse, same cohort (aging study)
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Seburn2 - grip strength, peak tension over 3 trials


ANOVA Summary          "within" = Within error     "between" = Between Error (Animal ID)

Factor DF Sum of squares Mean sum of squares F value p-value (Pr>F)
between   sex 1 7686.4334 7686.4334 18.6366 0.0005
between   strain 2 11139.8196 5569.9098 13.5049 0.0003
between   sex:strain 2 1963.2841 981.642 2.3801 0.1227
between   Residuals 17 7011.4244 412.4367
within   age 3 2626.8648 875.6216 3.7494 0.0165
within   age:sex 3 2927.5403 975.8468 4.1786 0.0101
within   age:strain 6 3585.9087 597.6515 2.5591 0.0304
within   age:sex:strain 6 1168.2431 194.7072 0.8337 0.5496
within   Residuals 51 11910.3081 233.5355

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


ProjectIDTreatmentMeasure / Variable Description PanelStrains
Seburn2 24801 grip strength (none) grip strength, peak tension over 3 trials   [g]   at age 6mo  grip_strength_M06 inbred 32 both 26wks
Seburn2 24802 grip strength (none) grip strength, peak tension over 3 trials   [g]   at age 12mo  grip_strength_M12 inbred 30 both 52wks
Seburn2 24803 grip strength (none) grip strength, peak tension over 3 trials   [g]   at age 18mo  grip_strength_M18 inbred 30 both 78wks
Seburn2 24804 grip strength (none) grip strength, peak tension over 3 trials   [g]   at age 24mo  grip_strength_M24 inbred 28 both 104wks