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Project measure / variable:   CSNA03   dist_d19_d11_cont_do

ID, description, units MPD:90324   dist_d19_d11_cont_do   distance traveled, last 60 min (post-injection), Day 19 minus Day 11, saline control, DO   [cm]  
Data set, strains CSNA03   DO population w/par   9 strains     sex: both     age: 8-21wks
Procedure open field test
Ontology mappings

Plot Options Bins number: (min: 10, max: 40)

Distribution of Individual Animals with Boxplots.

Measure Summary FemaleMale
Number of strains tested9 strains9 strains
Mean of the strain means-446.3   cm 291.9   cm
Median of the strain means189.1   cm 85.22   cm
SD of the strain means± 2175.0 ± 1881.0
Coefficient of variation (CV)-4.8731 6.4454
Min–max range of strain means-3821.0   –   2915.0   cm -3747.0   –   2869.0   cm
Mean sample size per strain21.8   mice 22.6   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
sex 1 577522.7903 577522.7903 0.081 0.7761
strain 8 402468391.8088 50308548.9761 7.0562 < 0.0001
sex:strain 8 81598185.5824 10199773.1978 1.4306 0.1819
Residuals 381 2716403417.548 7129667.7626

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
129S1/SvImJ f 189.1 804.4   8 284.4 4.2548 -384.3, 2150.0 0.29
129S1/SvImJ m 85.22 211.9   8 74.92 2.4865 -281.0, 365.5 -0.11
A/J f 244.8 536.5   5 239.9 2.1914 -635.0, 612.9 0.32
A/J m 189.6 684.0   8 241.8 3.6081 -821.9, 1246.0 -0.05
C57BL/6J f -943.0 1810.0   7 684.3 -1.92 -4034.0, 1604.0 -0.23
C57BL/6J m -231.9 1255.0   6 512.5 -5.4147 -2310.0, 1410.0 -0.28
CAST/EiJ f 1357.0 7644.0   7 2889.0 5.6323 -13074.0, 9606.0 0.83
CAST/EiJ m 2313.0 2001.0   7 756.3 0.8653 -9.9559, 5736.0 1.07
J:DO f 338.5 1959.0   140 165.6 5.7872 -4305.0, 8718.0 0.36
J:DO m -88.17 1742.0   145 144.6 -19.7551 -5710.0, 5568.0 -0.2
NOD/ShiLtJ f -3821.0 13542.0   5 6056.0 -3.5439 -25942.0, 7381.0 -1.55
NOD/ShiLtJ m 1160.0 1463.0   5 654.2 1.2613 -1319.0, 2333.0 0.46
NZO/HlLtJ f -672.0 2411.0   10 762.5 -3.5882 -7359.0, 1047.0 -0.1
NZO/HlLtJ m 77.01 411.7   9 137.2 5.3458 -534.4, 591.0 -0.11
PWK/PhJ f -3625.0 6363.0   8 2250.0 -1.7553 -16929.0, 3209.0 -1.46
PWK/PhJ m -3747.0 4293.0   8 1518.0 -1.1457 -11109.0, 2054.0 -2.15
WSB/EiJ f 2915.0 3949.0   6 1612.0 1.3544 -2661.0, 7065.0 1.55
WSB/EiJ m 2869.0 2844.0   7 1075.0 0.9914 9.6776, 7811.0 1.37

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
129S1/SvImJ f 189.053625 944.0383839252 2045.2312494043 -1667.1239994042
129S1/SvImJ m 85.2182125 944.0383839252 1941.3958369042 -1770.9594119042
A/J f 244.822 1194.1245967313 2592.7216139831 -2103.0776139831
A/J m 189.5825 944.0383839252 2045.7601244043 -1666.5951244043
C57BL/6J f -942.9571428571 1009.2194836034 1041.3802055762 -2927.2944912904
C57BL/6J m -231.8583333333 1090.0816301692 1911.4709688938 -2375.1876355604
CAST/EiJ f 1357.1428571428 1009.2194836034 3341.4802055761 -627.1944912905
CAST/EiJ m 2312.5634428571 1009.2194836034 4296.9007912904 328.2260944238
J:DO f 338.5069971429 225.6683369554 782.2183172817 -105.204322996
J:DO m -88.1686358621 221.7433708156 347.8253769623 -524.1626486864
NOD/ShiLtJ f -3821.2 1194.1245967313 -1473.3003860168 -6169.0996139832
NOD/ShiLtJ m 1159.8 1194.1245967313 3507.6996139832 -1188.0996139832
NZO/HlLtJ f -671.9595 844.3735999303 988.2562385928 -2332.1752385928
NZO/HlLtJ m 77.01 890.0479239652 1827.0310470706 -1673.0110470706
PWK/PhJ f -3624.95 944.0383839252 -1768.7723755958 -5481.1276244042
PWK/PhJ m -3747.10625 944.0383839252 -1890.9286255958 -5603.2838744042
WSB/EiJ f 2915.4333333333 1090.0816301691 5058.7626355604 772.1040311062
WSB/EiJ m 2868.5825142857 1009.2194836034 4852.919862719 884.2451658524

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
129S1/SvImJ both 137.13591875 667.5359429739 1449.651704053 -1175.379866553
A/J both 217.20225 761.1080775492 1713.7004934571 -1279.2959934571
C57BL/6J both -587.4077380952 742.765428402 873.025006862 -2047.8404830524
CAST/EiJ both 1834.85315 713.6259405616 3237.9915452389 431.714754761
J:DO both 125.1691806404 158.190012963 436.2039515415 -185.8655902607
NOD/ShiLtJ both -1330.7 844.3735999303 329.5157385928 -2990.9157385928
NZO/HlLtJ both -297.47475 613.4231987817 908.6440215003 -1503.5935215003
PWK/PhJ both -3686.028125 667.5359429739 -2373.512339697 -4998.543910303
WSB/EiJ both 2892.0079238095 742.765428402 4352.4406687667 1431.5751788523

GWAS analysis not available: Strain panel must be either Inbred, HMDP, BXD, BXH, CXB, or AXB/BXA