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Project measure / variable:   CSNA03   pct_dist_perimeter_corners_OFT_do

ID, description, units MPD:90114   pct_dist_perimeter_corners_OFT_do   percentage of total distance traveled in perimeter and corners, 60 min test (OFT), DO   [%]  
Data set, strains CSNA03   DO population w/par   9 strains     sex: both     age: 4-25wks
Procedure open field test
Ontology mappings

Plot Options Bins number: (min: 10, max: 40)

Distribution of Individual Animals with Boxplots.

Measure Summary FemaleMale
Number of strains tested9 strains9 strains
Mean of the strain means67.12   % 68.67   %
Median of the strain means65.17   % 66.55   %
SD of the strain means± 13.807 ± 12.906
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.2057 0.1879
Min–max range of strain means45.123   –   88.63   % 47.358   –   88.89   %
Mean sample size per strain208.0   mice 196.8   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
sex 1 1875.7358 1875.7358 15.9323 < 0.0001
strain 8 144783.0719 18097.884 153.7216 < 0.0001
sex:strain 8 3099.0703 387.3838 3.2904 0.001
Residuals 3625 426776.9887 117.7316

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
129S1/SvImJ f 62.89 22.183   48 3.2019 0.3528 17.215, 95.9 -0.31
129S1/SvImJ m 73.31 20.519   49 2.9313 0.2799 14.436, 98.9 0.36
A/J f 87.89 17.357   59 2.2597 0.1975 1.5
A/J m 85.28 19.921   61 2.5506 0.2336 3.1143, 99.49 1.29
C57BL/6J f 57.73 5.9463   61 0.76134 0.103 45.468, 71.78 -0.68
C57BL/6J m 56.54 7.0491   59 0.91771 0.1247 30.312, 74.94 -0.94
CAST/EiJ f 61.1 11.523   33 2.0058 0.1886 16.35, 81.22 -0.44
CAST/EiJ m 65.12 6.2857   30 1.1476 0.0965 44.139, 75.07 -0.28
J:DO f 65.17 10.797   1474 0.28122 0.1657 14.238, 99.8 -0.14
J:DO m 66.55 10.213   1383 0.27464 0.1535 35.347, 99.34 -0.16
NOD/ShiLtJ f 45.123 7.0478   47 1.028 0.1562 27.004, 61.89 -1.59
NOD/ShiLtJ m 47.358 7.2956   44 1.0999 0.1541 33.921, 62.88 -1.65
NZO/HlLtJ f 88.63 5.9797   47 0.87223 0.0675 59.5, 99.14 1.56
NZO/HlLtJ m 88.89 3.6442   46 0.53731 0.041 80.15, 96.28 1.57
PWK/PhJ f 67.8 6.5526   48 0.94579 0.0966 48.107, 78.41 0.05
PWK/PhJ m 69.1 7.1318   47 1.0403 0.1032 47.495, 81.81 0.03
WSB/EiJ f 67.79 6.1367   55 0.82747 0.0905 44.346, 77.96 0.05
WSB/EiJ m 65.9 7.2489   52 1.0052 0.11 40.736, 78.36 -0.21

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
129S1/SvImJ f 62.8855833333 1.5661230203 65.9561532866 59.8150133801
129S1/SvImJ m 73.3110612245 1.5500597954 76.3501373201 70.2719851289
A/J f 87.8888813559 1.4126041771 90.6584594068 85.119303305
A/J m 85.2803 1.3892537394 88.0040967481 82.5565032519
C57BL/6J f 57.7315245902 1.3892537394 60.4553213382 55.0077278421
C57BL/6J m 56.536338983 1.4126041771 59.3059170339 53.7667609322
CAST/EiJ f 61.104030303 1.8888154305 64.8072770039 57.4007836021
CAST/EiJ m 65.1206333333 1.981006336 69.0046312402 61.2366354265
J:DO f 65.1700081411 0.2826166539 65.7241116148 64.6159046674
J:DO m 66.5533065799 0.291766484 67.1253493809 65.9812637789
NOD/ShiLtJ f 45.1228085106 1.5826962122 48.2258721725 42.0197448488
NOD/ShiLtJ m 47.3575909091 1.6357621459 50.5646966286 44.1504851896
NZO/HlLtJ f 88.6291489362 1.5826962122 91.7322125981 85.5260852743
NZO/HlLtJ m 88.89 1.5998069388 92.026611271 85.753388729
PWK/PhJ f 67.8035208333 1.5661230203 70.8740907866 64.7329508801
PWK/PhJ m 69.1035106383 1.5826962122 72.2065743002 66.0004469764
WSB/EiJ f 67.7888363636 1.4630701413 70.6573589235 64.9203138037
WSB/EiJ m 65.9038076923 1.5046823272 68.8539158788 62.9536995058

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
129S1/SvImJ both 68.0983222789 1.1017516376 70.2584370532 65.9382075046
A/J both 86.584590678 0.9906407666 88.5268594097 84.6423219462
C57BL/6J both 57.1339317866 0.9906407666 59.0762005183 55.1916630549
CAST/EiJ both 63.1123318182 1.3685768004 65.7955889745 60.4290746618
J:DO both 65.8616573605 0.2031008704 66.2598607086 65.4634540124
NOD/ShiLtJ both 46.2401997099 1.1380515254 48.47148472 44.0089146997
NZO/HlLtJ both 88.7595744681 1.1252010422 90.9656645816 86.5534843546
PWK/PhJ both 68.4535157358 1.1132911361 70.6362550656 66.270776406
WSB/EiJ both 66.846322028 1.0493620853 68.9037208705 64.7889231855

GWAS analysis not available: Strain panel must be either Inbred, HMDP, BXD, BXH, CXB, or AXB/BXA