Project measure / variable:   McMullan7   RER_n_end_HIIT

ID, description, units MPD:61639   RER_n_end_HIIT   mean respiratory exchange rate after 4 wks of treatment, during night   [ratio]  high intensity group  
exercise study
Data set, strains McMullan7   CC   4 strains     sex: both     age: 8-10wks
Procedure monitoring system
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McMullan7 - mean respiratory exchange rate after 4 wks of treatment, during night high intensity group

Measure Summary FemaleMale
Number of strains tested4 strains4 strains
Mean of the strain means0.868   ratio 0.882   ratio
Median of the strain means0.868   ratio 0.885   ratio
SD of the strain means± 0.0471 ± 0.0506
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.0543 0.0574
Min–max range of strain means0.811   –   0.925   ratio 0.825   –   0.936   ratio
Mean sample size per strain11.8   mice 9.0   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
sex 1 0.0103 0.0103 4.1672 0.0447
strain 3 0.1516 0.0505 20.3748 < 0.0001
sex:strain 3 0.0032 0.0011 0.4319 0.7308
Residuals 75 0.186 0.0025

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
CC002/Unc f 0.811 0.0636   14 0.017 0.0784 0.732, 0.943 -1.21
CC002/Unc m 0.825 0.0391   6 0.016 0.0474 0.794, 0.903 -1.14
CC013/GeniUnc f 0.859 0.0696   4 0.0348 0.081 0.797, 0.957 -0.19
CC013/GeniUnc m 0.857 0.056   8 0.0198 0.0653 0.774, 0.914 -0.5
CC027/GeniUnc f 0.925 0.0492   14 0.0131 0.0531 0.789, 0.986 1.21
CC027/GeniUnc m 0.936 0.0244   11 0.00736 0.0261 0.88, 0.966 1.06
CC037/TauUnc f 0.877 0.0496   15 0.0128 0.0565 0.76, 0.952 0.19
CC037/TauUnc m 0.912 0.0419   11 0.0126 0.046 0.851, 0.981 0.58

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
CC002/Unc f 0.8105 0.0133 0.8371 0.784
CC002/Unc m 0.8254 0.0203 0.866 0.7849
CC013/GeniUnc f 0.8591 0.0249 0.9087 0.8095
CC013/GeniUnc m 0.8571 0.0176 0.8922 0.8221
CC027/GeniUnc f 0.9251 0.0133 0.9516 0.8986
CC027/GeniUnc m 0.9357 0.015 0.9656 0.9058
CC037/TauUnc f 0.8772 0.0129 0.9028 0.8515
CC037/TauUnc m 0.9119 0.015 0.9418 0.882

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
CC002/Unc both 0.818 0.0122 0.8422 0.7938
CC013/GeniUnc both 0.8581 0.0152 0.8885 0.8277
CC027/GeniUnc both 0.9304 0.01 0.9504 0.9104
CC037/TauUnc both 0.8945 0.0099 0.9142 0.8748

GWAS analysis not available: Strain panel must be either Inbred, HMDP, BXD, BXH, CXB, or AXB/BXA