Project measure / variable:   McMullan6   bw_resp_MICT

ID, description, units MPD:61512   bw_resp_MICT   body weight, response to 4 wks of treatment   [%]  moderate intensity group  
exercise study
Data set, strains McMullan6   CC   4 strains     sex: both     age: 8-10wks
Procedure body weight
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McMullan6 - body weight, response to 4 wks of treatment moderate intensity group

Measure Summary FemaleMale
Number of strains tested4 strains4 strains
Mean of the strain means7.93   % 7.86   %
Median of the strain means7.67   % 7.97   %
SD of the strain means± 2.58 ± 1.32
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.326 0.168
Min–max range of strain means5.09   –   11.3   % 6.20   –   9.30   %
Mean sample size per strain13.5   mice 9.5   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
sex 1 5.9301 5.9301 0.2131 0.6455
strain 3 168.0804 56.0268 2.0133 0.1183
sex:strain 3 131.1956 43.7319 1.5715 0.2024
Residuals 84 2337.6135 27.8287

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
CC002/Unc f 11.3 6.81   16 1.7 0.604 -5.88, 20.5 1.3
CC002/Unc m 7.54 3.29   8 1.16 0.436 3.14, 10.9 -0.24
CC013/GeniUnc f 5.09 3.33   8 1.18 0.654 -1.1
CC013/GeniUnc m 8.41 7.01   8 2.48 0.833 -1.06, 20.9 0.41
CC027/GeniUnc f 7.18 3.66   15 0.944 0.509 1.05, 15.9 -0.29
CC027/GeniUnc m 6.2 4.67   11 1.41 0.753 0.483, 14.9 -1.26
CC037/TauUnc f 8.17 6.22   15 1.61 0.761 -3.08, 16.9 0.09
CC037/TauUnc m 9.3 4.46   11 1.34 0.479 0.397, 15.2 1.09

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
CC002/Unc f 11.276 1.3188 13.8987 8.6534
CC002/Unc m 7.5392 1.8651 11.2482 3.8303
CC013/GeniUnc f 5.0918 1.8651 8.8008 1.3828
CC013/GeniUnc m 8.413 1.8651 12.122 4.7041
CC027/GeniUnc f 7.1788 1.3621 9.8874 4.4701
CC027/GeniUnc m 6.1999 1.5906 9.3629 3.0369
CC037/TauUnc f 8.175 1.3621 10.8836 5.4663
CC037/TauUnc m 9.2983 1.5906 12.4613 6.1353

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
CC002/Unc both 9.4076 1.1421 11.6789 7.1364
CC013/GeniUnc both 6.7524 1.3188 9.375 4.1298
CC027/GeniUnc both 6.6894 1.047 8.7715 4.6072
CC037/TauUnc both 8.7366 1.047 10.8188 6.6545

GWAS analysis not available: Strain panel must be either Inbred, HMDP, BXD, BXH, CXB, or AXB/BXA