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Project measure / variable:   Mitchell1   nogo_latency

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Mitchell1 - latency to respond to No-go cue

Measure Summary Male
Number of strains tested15 strains
Mean of the strain means2.53   s
Median of the strain means2.54   s
SD of the strain means± 0.136
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.0540
Min–max range of strain means2.25   –   2.77   s
Mean sample size per strain8.4   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
strain 14 2.3077 0.1648 1.9372 0.0294
Residuals 113 9.6153 0.0851

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
129P3/J m 2.53 0.288   8 0.102 0.114 2.15, 2.94 0.03
A/HeJ m 2.53 0.226   10 0.0714 0.0892 2.13, 2.79 0.03
AKR/J m 2.54 0.25   8 0.0882 0.0983 2.27, 2.99 0.1
BALB/cJ m 2.56 0.261   9 0.087 0.102 2.25, 3.03 0.25
C3H/HeJ m 2.61 0.248   8 0.0876 0.0949 2.34, 2.93 0.62
C57BL/6J m 2.56 0.413   8 0.146 0.161 1.75, 3.06 0.25
C57L/J m 2.54 0.249   8 0.0882 0.0981 2.26, 3.02 0.1
C58/J m 2.25 0.215   8 0.076 0.0956 1.99, 2.63 -2.02
CBA/J m 2.6 0.218   8 0.0773 0.0839 2.37, 2.94 0.54
DBA/1J m 2.39 0.244   8 0.0864 0.102 1.95, 2.66 -1.0
DBA/2J m 2.42 0.271   8 0.0959 0.112 2.1, 2.97 -0.78
NZB/BlNJ m 2.76 0.338   11 0.102 0.122 2.18, 3.29 1.72
PL/J m 2.43 0.141   10 0.0445 0.0579 2.28, 2.68 -0.7
SJL/J m 2.4 0.558   8 0.197 0.233 1.63, 3.05 -0.92
SWR/J m 2.77 0.252   8 0.0891 0.091 2.44, 3.16 1.79

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
129P3/J m 2.5288 0.1031 2.7331 2.3244
A/HeJ m 2.533 0.0922 2.7158 2.3502
AKR/J m 2.54 0.1031 2.7443 2.3357
BALB/cJ m 2.5589 0.0972 2.7515 2.3663
C3H/HeJ m 2.61 0.1031 2.8143 2.4057
C57BL/6J m 2.5637 0.1031 2.7681 2.3594
C57L/J m 2.5425 0.1031 2.7468 2.3382
C58/J m 2.2488 0.1031 2.4531 2.0444
CBA/J m 2.6037 0.1031 2.8081 2.3994
DBA/1J m 2.3862 0.1031 2.5906 2.1819
DBA/2J m 2.415 0.1031 2.6193 2.2107
NZB/BlNJ m 2.7609 0.088 2.9352 2.5867
PL/J m 2.429 0.0922 2.6118 2.2462
SJL/J m 2.395 0.1031 2.5993 2.1907
SWR/J m 2.7688 0.1031 2.9731 2.5644