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ITP survival analysis:   rapamycin

Intervention:   rapamycin     mTOR complex repressor, anti-aging
Trial code: Rapa_hi_start_stop Dose: 42 ppm initiated at age: 20 mo (stop at 23) Sex: both Cohort: C2015
Trial code: Rapa_hi_cycle Dose: 42 ppm initiated at age: 20 mo (but every other month) Sex: both Cohort: C2015
Trial code: Rapa_hi_continuous Dose: 42 ppm initiated at age: 20 mo Sex: both Cohort: C2015
This compound had a significant effect on survival:   males p = 0.0243

This compound had a significant effect on survival:   females = 0.0001; males p = 0.0019

This compound had a significant effect on survival:   females p < 0.0001; males p = 0.0007

Results are based on the use of pooled factor(s) that is/are stratified within the survival analysis model.

All test sites combined – female
Rapa_hi_start_stop effect on survival, females, test site = All
Log-rank test chisq = 2.0984 p = 0.1475
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 1.608 p = 0.1664
Quantiles Rapa_hi_start_stop Control % difference
25% died before day: 808 786 +3 %
Median lifespan (days) 940 904 +4 %
75% died before day: 1052 1016 +4 %
90% died before day: 1136 1095 +4 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1274 1396
Number of mice at start 134 274
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_cycle effect on survival, females, test site = All
Log-rank test chisq = 15.7906 p < 0.0001
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 3.7741 p < 0.0001
Quantiles Rapa_hi_cycle Control % difference
25% died before day: 825 786 +5 %
Median lifespan (days) 977 904 +8 %
75% died before day: 1117 1016 +10 %
90% died before day: 1203 1095 +10 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1332 1396
Number of mice at start 133 274
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_continuous effect on survival, females, test site = All
Log-rank test chisq = 32.7164 p < 0.0001
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 9.7514 p < 0.0001
Quantiles Rapa_hi_continuous Control % difference
25% died before day: 790 786 +1 %
Median lifespan (days) 1040 904 +15 %
75% died before day: 1174 1016 +16 %
90% died before day: 1231 1095 +12 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1344 1396
Number of mice at start 136 274
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
All test sites combined – male
Rapa_hi_start_stop effect on survival, males, test site = All
Log-rank test chisq = 5.0707 p = 0.0243
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 1.6173 p = 0.158
Quantiles Rapa_hi_start_stop Control % difference
25% died before day: 608 581 +5 %
Median lifespan (days) 854 772 +11 %
75% died before day: 1020 918 +11 %
90% died before day: 1100 1049 +5 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1264 1237
Number of mice at start 127 264
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_cycle effect on survival, males, test site = All
Log-rank test chisq = 9.6323 p = 0.0019
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 2.1132 p = 0.0251
Quantiles Rapa_hi_cycle Control % difference
25% died before day: 584 581 +1 %
Median lifespan (days) 841 772 +9 %
75% died before day: 1056 918 +15 %
90% died before day: 1144 1049 +9 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1348 1237
Number of mice at start 144 264
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_continuous effect on survival, males, test site = All
Log-rank test chisq = 11.6084 p = 0.0007
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 2.4057 p = 0.01
Quantiles Rapa_hi_continuous Control % difference
25% died before day: 652 581 +12 %
Median lifespan (days) 856 772 +11 %
75% died before day: 1006 918 +10 %
90% died before day: 1148 1049 +9 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1358 1237
Number of mice at start 146 264
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot

By individual test site:

TJL – female
TJL – female      
Rapa_hi_start_stop effect on survival, females, test site = TJL
Log-rank test chisq = 0.6533 p = 0.4189
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 1.1506 p = 0.7734
Quantiles Rapa_hi_start_stop Control % difference
25% died before day: 879 785 +12 %
Median lifespan (days) 986 928 +6 %
75% died before day: 1067 1043 +2 %
90% died before day: 1169 1156 +1 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1274 1396
Number of mice at start 46 95
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_cycle effect on survival, females, test site = TJL
Log-rank test chisq = 6.8447 p = 0.0089
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 3.0603 p = 0.0681
Quantiles Rapa_hi_cycle Control % difference
25% died before day: 875 785 +11 %
Median lifespan (days) 1074 928 +16 %
75% died before day: 1138 1043 +9 %
90% died before day: 1226 1156 +6 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1266 1396
Number of mice at start 46 95
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_continuous effect on survival, females, test site = TJL
Log-rank test chisq = 11.6026 p = 0.0007
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 6.6618 p = 0.0011
Quantiles Rapa_hi_continuous Control % difference
25% died before day: 882 785 +12 %
Median lifespan (days) 1108 928 +19 %
75% died before day: 1202 1043 +15 %
90% died before day: 1275 1156 +10 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1329 1396
Number of mice at start 48 95
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
TJL – male
TJL – male      
Rapa_hi_start_stop effect on survival, males, test site = TJL
Log-rank test chisq = 0.0666 p = 0.7963
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 0.8013 p = 1.0
Quantiles Rapa_hi_start_stop Control % difference
25% died before day: 606 608 0 %
Median lifespan (days) 729 818 -11 %
75% died before day: 922 942 -2 %
90% died before day: 1029 1061 -3 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1243 1237
Number of mice at start 45 92
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_cycle effect on survival, males, test site = TJL
Log-rank test chisq = 3.2273 p = 0.0724
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 2.2454 p = 0.1581
Quantiles Rapa_hi_cycle Control % difference
25% died before day: 652 608 +7 %
Median lifespan (days) 826 818 +1 %
75% died before day: 1036 942 +10 %
90% died before day: 1173 1061 +11 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1348 1237
Number of mice at start 51 92
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_continuous effect on survival, males, test site = TJL
Log-rank test chisq = 0.8418 p = 0.3589
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 1.6642 p = 0.398
Quantiles Rapa_hi_continuous Control % difference
25% died before day: 617 608 +1 %
Median lifespan (days) 817 818 0 %
75% died before day: 969 942 +3 %
90% died before day: 1138 1061 +7 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1248 1237
Number of mice at start 51 92
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
UM – female
UM – female      
Rapa_hi_start_stop effect on survival, females, test site = UM
Log-rank test chisq = 0.4948 p = 0.4818
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 2.2552 p = 0.2262
Quantiles Rapa_hi_start_stop Control % difference
25% died before day: 780 791 -1 %
Median lifespan (days) 904 899 +1 %
75% died before day: 1036 992 +4 %
90% died before day: 1123 1079 +4 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1249 1291
Number of mice at start 44 91
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_cycle effect on survival, females, test site = UM
Log-rank test chisq = 4.7597 p = 0.0291
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 4.3675 p = 0.0135
Quantiles Rapa_hi_cycle Control % difference
25% died before day: 812 791 +3 %
Median lifespan (days) 937 899 +4 %
75% died before day: 1082 992 +9 %
90% died before day: 1184 1079 +10 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1311 1291
Number of mice at start 44 91
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_continuous effect on survival, females, test site = UM
Log-rank test chisq = 5.1415 p = 0.0234
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 9.589 p = 0.0003
Quantiles Rapa_hi_continuous Control % difference
25% died before day: 680 791 -14 %
Median lifespan (days) 920 899 +2 %
75% died before day: 1172 992 +18 %
90% died before day: 1189 1079 +10 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1252 1291
Number of mice at start 44 91
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
UM – male
UM – male      
Rapa_hi_start_stop effect on survival, males, test site = UM
Log-rank test chisq = 2.195 p = 0.1385
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 2.6526 p = 0.1771
Quantiles Rapa_hi_start_stop Control % difference
25% died before day: 596 601 -1 %
Median lifespan (days) 837 740 +13 %
75% died before day: 1025 905 +13 %
90% died before day: 1107 1027 +8 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1162 1231
Number of mice at start 34 81
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_cycle effect on survival, males, test site = UM
Log-rank test chisq = 13.9215 p = 0.0002
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 4.3422 p = 0.023
Quantiles Rapa_hi_cycle Control % difference
25% died before day: 745 601 +24 %
Median lifespan (days) 1044 740 +41 %
75% died before day: 1126 905 +24 %
90% died before day: 1156 1027 +13 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1256 1231
Number of mice at start 45 81
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_continuous effect on survival, males, test site = UM
Log-rank test chisq = 2.439 p = 0.1183
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 3.0121 p = 0.0716
Quantiles Rapa_hi_continuous Control % difference
25% died before day: 721 601 +20 %
Median lifespan (days) 828 740 +12 %
75% died before day: 982 905 +9 %
90% died before day: 1078 1027 +5 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1162 1231
Number of mice at start 48 81
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
UT – female
UT – female      
Rapa_hi_start_stop effect on survival, females, test site = UT
Log-rank test chisq = 0.9968 p = 0.3181
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 1.5732 p = 0.5496
Quantiles Rapa_hi_start_stop Control % difference
25% died before day: 792 786 +1 %
Median lifespan (days) 940 892 +5 %
75% died before day: 1038 1014 +2 %
90% died before day: 1097 1078 +2 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1229 1280
Number of mice at start 44 88
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_cycle effect on survival, females, test site = UT
Log-rank test chisq = 4.2871 p = 0.0384
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 3.9747 p = 0.025
Quantiles Rapa_hi_cycle Control % difference
25% died before day: 753 786 -4 %
Median lifespan (days) 949 892 +6 %
75% died before day: 1105 1014 +9 %
90% died before day: 1162 1078 +8 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1332 1280
Number of mice at start 43 88
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_continuous effect on survival, females, test site = UT
Log-rank test chisq = 17.899 p < 0.0001
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 15.7541 p < 0.0001
Quantiles Rapa_hi_continuous Control % difference
25% died before day: 901 786 +15 %
Median lifespan (days) 1032 892 +16 %
75% died before day: 1149 1014 +13 %
90% died before day: 1192 1078 +11 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1344 1280
Number of mice at start 44 88
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
UT – male
UT – male      
Rapa_hi_start_stop effect on survival, males, test site = UT
Log-rank test chisq = 6.7747 p = 0.0092
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 2.0375 p = 0.2397
Quantiles Rapa_hi_start_stop Control % difference
25% died before day: 682 500 +36 %
Median lifespan (days) 891 786 +13 %
75% died before day: 1038 888 +17 %
90% died before day: 1122 1025 +9 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1264 1220
Number of mice at start 48 91
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_cycle effect on survival, males, test site = UT
Log-rank test chisq = 0.0077 p = 0.9299
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 1.059 p = 1.0
Quantiles Rapa_hi_cycle Control % difference
25% died before day: 474 500 -5 %
Median lifespan (days) 744 786 -5 %
75% died before day: 981 888 +10 %
90% died before day: 1052 1025 +3 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1127 1220
Number of mice at start 48 91
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot
Rapa_hi_continuous effect on survival, males, test site = UT
Log-rank test chisq = 11.7865 p = 0.0006
Wang-Allison test odds ratio = 2.8813 p = 0.074
Quantiles Rapa_hi_continuous Control % difference
25% died before day: 611 500 +22 %
Median lifespan (days) 912 786 +16 %
75% died before day: 1066 888 +20 %
90% died before day: 1169 1025 +14 %
Max lifespan observed (days) 1358 1220
Number of mice at start 47 91
Animal censor events are denoted by + marks in the plot

See our ITP data portal page for more information on National Institute on Aging's Interventions Testing Program (ITP) including bibliography, data set downloads, and links to all available hosted data.

Statistical definitions