Data set |
Procedure |
What's in this data set |
Panel |
Sex |
Age (weeks) |
Year |
complete blood count | Hematology. | CC pre w/par (139) | m | 10-14wks | 2012 |
body weight
with exercise |
Baseline vs. after exercise (access to running wheel). | CC pre w/par (184) | m | 10-12wks | 2011 |
intake monitoring
with exercise |
Caloric intake. Baseline vs. after exercise (access to running wheel). Metabolism, food intake. | CC pre w/par (184) | m | 10-12wks | 2011 |
monitoring system
with exercise |
Respiratory exchange ratio. Baseline (before access to running wheel). | CC pre w/par (184) | m | 10-12wks | 2011 |
with exercise |
Body composition (percent fat). Baseline vs. after exercise (access to running wheel). | CC pre w/par (184) | m | 10-12wks | 2011 |
running wheel monitoring
with exercise |
Distance, speed at days 1, 6, and 12. | CC pre w/par (184) | m | 10-12wks | 2011 |