Flaherty1 animal documentation

Survey of anxiety-related behaviors in 8 inbred strains of mice using the elevated zero-maze   (2001)

Flaherty L, Cook MN, Williams RW

Vendor: Mice were obtained from The Jackson Laboratory.

Shipment age: mice were shipped 4-5 weeks of age.

Health status report: The Jackson Laboratory Diagnostics Laboratory routinely monitors and documents animal health status using statistically valid sampling procedures and standard protocols. See JAX®Mice Quality Control Programs or the JAX®Mice Catalog for the list of agents monitored.

Environment before shipping:

    Feed: All strains maintained on a 6% fat diet (Purina 5K52) except DBA/2J which was maintained on a weekly alternating diet between the 6% fat diet and a 4% fat diet (Purina 5K54).

    Water: Adjusted with hydrochloric acid to pH 2.8-3.1 and supplemented with menadione sodium bisulfite (final concentration 0.4 milligram/milliliter) to compensate for potential decrease in vitamin K activity upon autoclaving; water supplied in pinhole type bottles (Thoren Caging Systems, Inc. Hazelton, PA).

    Housing: Thoren cages; Thoren Maxi Miser #3 cages used for some strains as part of a PIV (pressurized individually ventilated) system.

    Bedding: Steam autoclaved white pine shavings.

    Photoperiod: 14 hours light (generally covering the hours of 4:30 AM to 6:30 PM) 10 hours dark.

    Temperature: 18 - 24 °C

    Relative humidity: ~50%.

Acclimation and testing periods:
Same-sex mice were grouped 10 per cage until one week prior to testing when they were housed in groups of 5. Testing was conducted at 60 days of age at approximately the same time of day on groups of 40 mice. Five mice per sex per strain were tested over a 4-day period until 20 males and 20 females of each strain were tested.
    Feed: Maintained on a 4.5% fat diet (LabDiet® 5001)

    Bedding: Wood chips

    Photoperiod: 14 hours light (on at 7:00 A.M.) 10 hours dark.

    Temperature: 21 +/- 2 °C (controlled)

    Relative humidity: 30-50% (controlled)