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Beamer2: Bone mineral density and IGF-1 levels in F2 progeny from a C57BL/6J x C3H/HeJ intercross (2001)

Beamer WG   With: Shultz KL, Donahue LR, Churchill GA, Sen S, Wergedal JR, Baylink DJ, Rosen CJ

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Investigators Wesley G Beamer       The Jackson Laboratory,  Bar Harbor, ME
Participants Shultz KL, Donahue LR, Churchill GA, Sen S, Wergedal JR, Baylink DJ, Rosen CJ
ContactWesley G Beamer
Affiliated CenterQTL Archive
AcknowledgementsFunding provided by NIH AR43618, AR45433, CA34196; and the U.S. Army (DAMD17-96-1-6306)
Project type QTL Archive data set
MPD identifiersBeamer2     MPD:112
Data changelog No updates/corrections.       Initial release date: 01/2008.
An intercross of C3H/HeJ and C57BL/6J was generated to identify quantitative trait loci for serum insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels and bone-related phenotypes. F2 females were tested for IGF-1 and analyzed for femur bone mineral density (BMD), strength, and geometry. For detailed protocols see Beamer et al 2001 and Rosen et al 2000.

QTL data set parameters:
Progenitor strains C3H/HeJ     C57BL/6J    
Cross direction notation(B6xC3H) F1 x (B6xC3H) F1
Cross typeF2 intercross
Population size 999 ♀     0 ♂

Measured phenotypes:       To access these data use the QTL Data Downloads button at bottom of page.

Associated genomic features
MGI-curated QTL / genomic features that have been associated with this data set:
Bmd10   Bmd11   Bmd12   Bmd13   Bmd14   Bmd15   Bmd16   Bmd5   Bmd6   Bmd7   Bmd8   Bmd9   Igf1sl1   Igf1sl2   Igf1sl3   Igf1sl4   Vtbt1   Vtbt10   Vtbt11   Vtbt12   Vtbt13   Vtbt14   Vtbt15   Vtbt16   Vtbt17   Vtbt18   Vtbt19   Vtbt2   Vtbt3   Vtbt4   Vtbt5   Vtbt6   Vtbt7   Vtbt8   Vtbt9  

Project / data set:   Beamer2     a.k.a. Beamer_2001
Excel file:   ._Data_Description_B6xC3H_Beamer2001.xlsx
Excel file:   Data_Description_B6xC3H_Beamer2001.xlsx
CSV file:   ._Beamer2001_B6xC3H_B37_Data.csv
CSV file:   Beamer2001_B6xC3H_B37_Data.csv
Readme / text file:   ._readme.txt
Readme / text file:   readme_Beamer2001txt.txt
QC plots, figures, etc.:   QCReport_Beamer2001.pdf

References   (chronological)

1.   Rosen CJ, Churchill GA, Donahue LR, Shultz KL, Burgess JK, Powell DR, Ackert C, Beamer WG. Mapping quantitative trait loci for serum insulin-like growth factor-1 levels in mice. Bone. 2000 Oct;27(4):521-8.   PubMed 11033447  

2.   Beamer WG, Shultz KL, Donahue LR, Churchill GA, Sen S, Wergedal JR, Baylink DJ, Rosen CJ. Quantitative trait loci for femoral and lumbar vertebral bone mineral density in C57BL/6J and C3H/HeJ inbred strains of mice. J Bone Miner Res. 2001 Jul;16(7):1195-206.   PubMed 11450694  

3.   Bouxsein ML, Uchiyama T, Rosen CJ, Shultz KL, Donahue LR, Turner CH, Sen S, Churchill GA, Muller R, Beamer WG. Mapping quantitative trait loci for vertebral trabecular bone volume fraction and microarchitecture in mice. J Bone Miner Res. 2004 Apr;19(4):587-99. Epub 2003 Dec 22.   PubMed 15005846  

4.   Ackert-Bicknell CL, Karasik D, Li Q, Smith RV, Hsu YH, Churchill GA, Paigen BJ, Tsaih SW. Mouse BMD quantitative trait loci show improved concordance with human genome-wide association loci when recalculated on a new, common mouse genetic map. J Bone Miner Res. 2010 Aug;25(8):1808-20.   PubMed 20200990