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Project measure / variable:   Donahue4   breaks_stereotypic

ID, description, units MPD:41330   breaks_stereotypic   number of stereotypic beam breaks, repetitive activity, 10 min test   [n]  
Data set, strains Donahue4   B6.PWD consomic w/par   28 strains     sex: both     age: 6wks
Procedure open field test
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Donahue4 - number of stereotypic beam breaks, repetitive activity, 10 min test

Measure Summary FemaleMale
Number of strains tested28 strains28 strains
Mean of the strain means1482   n 1615   n
Median of the strain means1466   n 1643   n
SD of the strain means± 287 ± 302
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.194 0.187
Min–max range of strain means913   –   2054   n 811   –   2238   n
Mean sample size per strain7.8   mice 7.7   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
sex 1 1965513.3767 1965513.3767 17.7194 < 0.0001
strain 27 30595319.2744 1133159.9731 10.2156 < 0.0001
sex:strain 27 4806491.1105 178018.1893 1.6049 0.0305
Residuals 371 41152923.5452 110924.3222

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
B6.PWD-Chr1 f 1226.0 384.0   8 136.0 0.313 751.0, 1779.0 -0.89
B6.PWD-Chr1 m 1188.0 169.0   8 59.6 0.142 1016.0, 1512.0 -1.41
B6.PWD-Chr10.1 f 1598.0 318.0   8 112.0 0.199 1227.0, 2224.0 0.4
B6.PWD-Chr10.1 m 1886.0 323.0   8 114.0 0.171 1465.0, 2495.0 0.9
B6.PWD-Chr10.2 f 1876.0 247.0   8 87.3 0.132 1514.0, 2126.0 1.37
B6.PWD-Chr10.2 m 1859.0 336.0   8 119.0 0.181 1392.0, 2212.0 0.81
B6.PWD-Chr10.3 f 1516.0 232.0   8 82.0 0.153 1260.0, 2017.0 0.12
B6.PWD-Chr10.3 m 1894.0 344.0   8 121.0 0.181 1492.0, 2509.0 0.92
B6.PWD-Chr11.1 f 1475.0 329.0   8 116.0 0.223 1086.0, 1912.0 -0.02
B6.PWD-Chr11.1 m 1746.0 234.0   8 82.9 0.134 1461.0, 2126.0 0.43
B6.PWD-Chr11.2 f 1175.0 398.0   7 150.0 0.339 583.0, 1774.0 -1.07
B6.PWD-Chr11.2 m 1449.0 359.0   7 136.0 0.247 1106.0, 1928.0 -0.55
B6.PWD-Chr11.3 f 1532.0 509.0   8 180.0 0.332 961.0, 2220.0 0.17
B6.PWD-Chr11.3 m 1526.0 372.0   8 131.0 0.244 1062.0, 2157.0 -0.29
B6.PWD-Chr12 f 2048.0 650.0   8 230.0 0.317 1256.0, 3018.0 1.97
B6.PWD-Chr12 m 2238.0 313.0   8 111.0 0.14 1844.0, 2678.0 2.06
B6.PWD-Chr13 f 1328.0 228.0   8 80.6 0.172 1079.0, 1775.0 -0.54
B6.PWD-Chr13 m 1579.0 462.0   8 163.0 0.293 1042.0, 2461.0 -0.12
B6.PWD-Chr14 f 1796.0 334.0   8 118.0 0.186 1423.0, 2382.0 1.09
B6.PWD-Chr14 m 1860.0 253.0   8 89.6 0.136 1504.0, 2116.0 0.81
B6.PWD-Chr15 f 1548.0 371.0   8 131.0 0.24 926.0, 2086.0 0.23
B6.PWD-Chr15 m 1466.0 346.0   8 122.0 0.236 795.0, 1889.0 -0.49
B6.PWD-Chr16 f 1640.0 341.0   8 121.0 0.208 994.0, 2044.0 0.55
B6.PWD-Chr16 m 1847.0 488.0   8 173.0 0.264 983.0, 2432.0 0.77
B6.PWD-Chr17 f 1457.0 282.0   8 99.8 0.194 963.0, 1833.0 -0.09
B6.PWD-Chr17 m 1101.0 238.0   6 97.2 0.216 769.0, 1390.0 -1.7
B6.PWD-Chr18 f 1422.0 311.0   8 110.0 0.218 1115.0, 1887.0 -0.21
B6.PWD-Chr18 m 1538.0 351.0   8 124.0 0.228 1113.0, 1990.0 -0.26
B6.PWD-Chr19 f 1068.0 246.0   8 86.9 0.23 769.0, 1364.0 -1.44
B6.PWD-Chr19 m 1564.0 187.0   7 70.8 0.12 1290.0, 1885.0 -0.17
B6.PWD-Chr2 f 1169.0 368.0   8 130.0 0.314 497.0, 1714.0 -1.09
B6.PWD-Chr2 m 1098.0 306.0   8 108.0 0.278 498.0, 1397.0 -1.71
B6.PWD-Chr3 f 1657.0 297.0   8 105.0 0.179 1248.0, 2125.0 0.61
B6.PWD-Chr3 m 1779.0 274.0   3 158.0 0.154 1464.0, 1960.0 0.54
B6.PWD-Chr5 f 1384.0 286.0   8 101.0 0.206 1004.0, 1764.0 -0.34
B6.PWD-Chr5 m 1469.0 325.0   8 115.0 0.221 1085.0, 2099.0 -0.48
B6.PWD-Chr6 f 1099.0 225.0   8 79.7 0.205 801.0, 1495.0 -1.34
B6.PWD-Chr6 m 1686.0 300.0   8 106.0 0.178 1254.0, 2045.0 0.24
B6.PWD-Chr8 f 1269.0 422.0   5 189.0 0.333 652.0, 1573.0 -0.74
B6.PWD-Chr8 m 1449.0 376.0   6 154.0 0.26 875.0, 1779.0 -0.55
B6.PWD-Chr9 f 1400.0 381.0   8 135.0 0.272 712.0, 1929.0 -0.29
B6.PWD-Chr9 m 1857.0 176.0   8 62.4 0.095 1642.0, 2238.0 0.8
B6.PWD-ChrX.1 f 2054.0 427.0   6 174.0 0.208 1587.0, 2763.0 1.99
B6.PWD-ChrX.1 m 1918.0 338.0   8 120.0 0.176 1495.0, 2559.0 1.0
B6.PWD-ChrX.2 f 1419.0 352.0   8 124.0 0.248 1010.0, 1900.0 -0.22
B6.PWD-ChrX.2 m 1552.0 228.0   7 86.1 0.147 1247.0, 1861.0 -0.21
B6.PWD-ChrX.3 f 1246.0 237.0   8 84.0 0.191 983.0, 1637.0 -0.82
B6.PWD-ChrX.3 m 1674.0 403.0   8 142.0 0.241 1193.0, 2199.0 0.2
B6.PWD-ChrY f 1746.0 240.0   7 90.8 0.138 1427.0, 2115.0 0.92
B6.PWD-ChrY m 1741.0 279.0   7 105.0 0.16 1368.0, 2269.0 0.42
B6.PWD-mt f 1640.0 238.0   8 84.3 0.145 1275.0, 2056.0 0.55
B6.PWD-mt m 1612.0 443.0   8 156.0 0.275 1095.0, 2264.0 -0.01
C57BL/6J f 1798.0 351.0   8 124.0 0.195 1339.0, 2360.0 1.1
C57BL/6J m 1834.0 316.0   8 112.0 0.172 1434.0, 2260.0 0.73
PWD/PhJ f 913.0 216.0   7 81.8 0.237 666.0, 1211.0 -1.98
PWD/PhJ m 811.0 181.0   8 64.1 0.224 648.0, 1110.0 -2.66

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
B6.PWD-Chr1 f 1226.0 117.752 1457.5451 994.4549
B6.PWD-Chr1 m 1188.25 117.752 1419.7951 956.7049
B6.PWD-Chr10.1 f 1597.625 117.752 1829.1701 1366.0799
B6.PWD-Chr10.1 m 1885.875 117.752 2117.4201 1654.3299
B6.PWD-Chr10.2 f 1875.625 117.752 2107.1701 1644.0799
B6.PWD-Chr10.2 m 1858.875 117.752 2090.4201 1627.3299
B6.PWD-Chr10.3 f 1516.125 117.752 1747.6701 1284.5799
B6.PWD-Chr10.3 m 1894.0 117.752 2125.5451 1662.4549
B6.PWD-Chr11.1 f 1474.75 117.752 1706.2951 1243.2049
B6.PWD-Chr11.1 m 1746.125 117.752 1977.6701 1514.5799
B6.PWD-Chr11.2 f 1175.0 125.8822 1422.5321 927.4679
B6.PWD-Chr11.2 m 1449.1429 125.8822 1696.675 1201.6107
B6.PWD-Chr11.3 f 1532.5 117.752 1764.0451 1300.9549
B6.PWD-Chr11.3 m 1525.875 117.752 1757.4201 1294.3299
B6.PWD-Chr12 f 2048.0 117.752 2279.5451 1816.4549
B6.PWD-Chr12 m 2237.75 117.752 2469.2951 2006.2049
B6.PWD-Chr13 f 1328.25 117.752 1559.7951 1096.7049
B6.PWD-Chr13 m 1578.875 117.752 1810.4201 1347.3299
B6.PWD-Chr14 f 1795.75 117.752 2027.2951 1564.2049
B6.PWD-Chr14 m 1860.5 117.752 2092.0451 1628.9549
B6.PWD-Chr15 f 1547.875 117.752 1779.4201 1316.3299
B6.PWD-Chr15 m 1465.75 117.752 1697.2951 1234.2049
B6.PWD-Chr16 f 1640.375 117.752 1871.9201 1408.8299
B6.PWD-Chr16 m 1847.125 117.752 2078.6701 1615.5799
B6.PWD-Chr17 f 1456.625 117.752 1688.1701 1225.0799
B6.PWD-Chr17 m 1100.8333 135.9683 1368.1986 833.4681
B6.PWD-Chr18 f 1422.25 117.752 1653.7951 1190.7049
B6.PWD-Chr18 m 1538.125 117.752 1769.6701 1306.5799
B6.PWD-Chr19 f 1068.0 117.752 1299.5451 836.4549
B6.PWD-Chr19 m 1563.7143 125.8822 1811.2464 1316.1822
B6.PWD-Chr2 f 1168.625 117.752 1400.1701 937.0799
B6.PWD-Chr2 m 1098.5 117.752 1330.0451 866.9549
B6.PWD-Chr3 f 1657.125 117.752 1888.6701 1425.5799
B6.PWD-Chr3 m 1779.3333 192.2883 2157.4449 1401.2218
B6.PWD-Chr5 f 1383.5 117.752 1615.0451 1151.9549
B6.PWD-Chr5 m 1468.625 117.752 1700.1701 1237.0799
B6.PWD-Chr6 f 1099.0 117.752 1330.5451 867.4549
B6.PWD-Chr6 m 1686.0 117.752 1917.5451 1454.4549
B6.PWD-Chr8 f 1268.6 148.9458 1561.484 975.716
B6.PWD-Chr8 m 1448.6667 135.9683 1716.0319 1181.3014
B6.PWD-Chr9 f 1399.75 117.752 1631.2951 1168.2049
B6.PWD-Chr9 m 1856.625 117.752 2088.1701 1625.0799
B6.PWD-ChrX.1 f 2054.3333 135.9683 2321.6986 1786.9681
B6.PWD-ChrX.1 m 1917.875 117.752 2149.4201 1686.3299
B6.PWD-ChrX.2 f 1419.25 117.752 1650.7951 1187.7049
B6.PWD-ChrX.2 m 1552.1429 125.8822 1799.675 1304.6107
B6.PWD-ChrX.3 f 1246.25 117.752 1477.7951 1014.7049
B6.PWD-ChrX.3 m 1673.75 117.752 1905.2951 1442.2049
B6.PWD-ChrY f 1746.2857 125.8822 1993.8178 1498.7536
B6.PWD-ChrY m 1740.7143 125.8822 1988.2464 1493.1822
B6.PWD-mt f 1640.375 117.752 1871.9201 1408.8299
B6.PWD-mt m 1612.375 117.752 1843.9201 1380.8299
C57BL/6J f 1797.5 117.752 2029.0451 1565.9549
C57BL/6J m 1833.875 117.752 2065.4201 1602.3299
PWD/PhJ f 913.2857 125.8822 1160.8178 665.7536
PWD/PhJ m 810.875 117.752 1042.4201 579.3299

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
B6.PWD-Chr1 both 1207.125 83.2633 1370.8521 1043.3979
B6.PWD-Chr10.1 both 1741.75 83.2633 1905.4771 1578.0229
B6.PWD-Chr10.2 both 1867.25 83.2633 2030.9771 1703.5229
B6.PWD-Chr10.3 both 1705.0625 83.2633 1868.7896 1541.3354
B6.PWD-Chr11.1 both 1610.4375 83.2633 1774.1646 1446.7104
B6.PWD-Chr11.2 both 1312.0714 89.0122 1487.1031 1137.0398
B6.PWD-Chr11.3 both 1529.1875 83.2633 1692.9146 1365.4604
B6.PWD-Chr12 both 2142.875 83.2633 2306.6021 1979.1479
B6.PWD-Chr13 both 1453.5625 83.2633 1617.2896 1289.8354
B6.PWD-Chr14 both 1828.125 83.2633 1991.8521 1664.3979
B6.PWD-Chr15 both 1506.8125 83.2633 1670.5396 1343.0854
B6.PWD-Chr16 both 1743.75 83.2633 1907.4771 1580.0229
B6.PWD-Chr17 both 1278.7292 89.9346 1455.5747 1101.8837
B6.PWD-Chr18 both 1480.1875 83.2633 1643.9146 1316.4604
B6.PWD-Chr19 both 1315.8571 86.1857 1485.3308 1146.3835
B6.PWD-Chr2 both 1133.5625 83.2633 1297.2896 969.8354
B6.PWD-Chr3 both 1718.2292 112.739 1939.9167 1496.5416
B6.PWD-Chr5 both 1426.0625 83.2633 1589.7896 1262.3354
B6.PWD-Chr6 both 1392.5 83.2633 1556.2271 1228.7729
B6.PWD-Chr8 both 1358.6333 100.8368 1556.9167 1160.35
B6.PWD-Chr9 both 1628.1875 83.2633 1791.9146 1464.4604
B6.PWD-ChrX.1 both 1986.1042 89.9346 2162.9497 1809.2587
B6.PWD-ChrX.2 both 1485.6964 86.1857 1655.1701 1316.2228
B6.PWD-ChrX.3 both 1460.0 83.2633 1623.7271 1296.2729
B6.PWD-ChrY both 1743.5 89.0122 1918.5316 1568.4684
B6.PWD-mt both 1626.375 83.2633 1790.1021 1462.6479
C57BL/6J both 1815.6875 83.2633 1979.4146 1651.9604
PWD/PhJ both 862.0804 86.1857 1031.554 692.6067

GWAS analysis not available: Strain panel must be either Inbred, HMDP, BXD, BXH, CXB, or AXB/BXA