Project measure / variable:   Seburn2   stance_stride_F_M18

ID, description, units MPD:24819   stance_stride_F_M18   stance-to-stride ratio, mean for front paws   [ratio]  at age 18mo  
Data set, strains Seburn2   inbred   3 strains     sex: both     age: 78wks
Procedure gait analysis
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Seburn2 - stance-to-stride ratio, mean for front paws at age 18mo

Measure Summary FemaleMale
Number of strains tested3 strains3 strains
Mean of the strain means0.630   ratio 0.634   ratio
Median of the strain means0.624   ratio 0.655   ratio
SD of the strain means± 0.0364 ± 0.0542
Coefficient of variation (CV)0.0577 0.0856
Min–max range of strain means0.597   –   0.669   ratio 0.572   –   0.674   ratio
Mean sample size per strain5.3   mice 6.3   mice

ANOVA summary      
FactorDFSum of squaresMean sum of squaresF valuep value (Pr>F)
sex 1 0.0001 0.0001 0.1337 0.7173
strain 2 0.0495 0.0248 28.7362 < 0.0001
sex:strain 2 0.0045 0.0022 2.6094 0.0908
Residuals 29 0.025 0.0009

Q-Q normality assessment based on residuals


Select table page:
Strain Sex Mean SD N mice SEM CV Min, Max Z score
C57BL/10J f 0.597 0.0193   6 0.00786 0.0322 0.572, 0.626 -0.91
C57BL/10J m 0.572 0.0334   7 0.0126 0.0584 0.528, 0.617 -1.14
DBA/2J f 0.624 0.0451   5 0.0202 0.0723 0.547, 0.659 -0.16
DBA/2J m 0.655 0.0261   5 0.0117 0.0399 0.62, 0.688 0.39
NON/ShiLtJ f 0.669 0.0223   5 0.00997 0.0333 0.643, 0.704 1.07
NON/ShiLtJ m 0.674 0.0244   7 0.00922 0.0362 0.633, 0.698 0.74

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
C57BL/10J f 0.5973333333 0.011983203 0.6218417353 0.5728249314
C57BL/10J m 0.5724285714 0.0110942902 0.5951189426 0.5497382003
DBA/2J f 0.6236 0.0131269412 0.6504476092 0.5967523908
DBA/2J m 0.6548 0.0131269412 0.6816476092 0.6279523908
NON/ShiLtJ f 0.669 0.0131269412 0.6958476092 0.6421523908
NON/ShiLtJ m 0.6741428571 0.0110942902 0.6968332283 0.651452486

Strain Sex Mean SEM UpperCL LowerCL
C57BL/10J both 0.5848809524 0.0081651765 0.6015806134 0.5681812914
DBA/2J both 0.6392 0.0092821491 0.6581841265 0.6202158735
NON/ShiLtJ both 0.6715714286 0.0085936002 0.6891473145 0.6539955427

GWAS analysis not available: At least 4 strains are required