Genes and genomic regions

Find data in MPD that are associated with a particular mouse gene or chromosomal region.

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24 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Gm28866 Y 88266844 to 88270188 3344 - lincRNA gene predicted gene 28866
Gm28405 Y 88302085 to 88305320 3235 + lincRNA gene predicted gene 28405
Gm21792 Y 88401353 to 88402048 695 - pseudogene predicted gene, 21792
Gm28406 Y 88418292 to 88419873 1581 + lincRNA gene predicted gene 28406
Gm28978 Y 88430978 to 88431592 614 - pseudogene predicted gene 28978
Gm29436 Y 88474113 to 88477024 2911 + lincRNA gene predicted gene 29436
Gm20819 Y 88534613 to 88560905 26292 + pseudogene predicted gene, 20819
Gm29437 Y 88621155 to 88621850 695 - pseudogene predicted gene 29437
Gm28977 Y 88661193 to 88664536 3343 - lincRNA gene predicted gene 28977
Gm28407 Y 88696465 to 88699701 3236 + lincRNA gene predicted gene 28407
Gm21287 Y 88804770 to 88805453 683 - pseudogene predicted gene, 21287
Gm29390 Y 88885911 to 88886606 695 - pseudogene predicted gene 29390
Gm29391 Y 88915556 to 88916170 614 - pseudogene predicted gene 29391
Gm21720 Y 88952366 to 88953061 695 - pseudogene predicted gene, 21720
Gm29392 Y 88959176 to 88962524 3348 - lincRNA gene predicted gene 29392
Gm29393 Y 88994450 to 88997689 3239 + lincRNA gene predicted gene 29393
Gm21294 Y 89052806 to 89079015 26209 + protein coding gene predicted gene, 21294
Gm28672 Y 89222067 to 89225296 3229 + lincRNA gene predicted gene 28672
Gm21838 Y 89328773 to 89329468 695 - pseudogene predicted gene, 21838
Gm28670 Y 89391528 to 89394761 3233 + lincRNA gene predicted gene 28670
Gm28671 Y 89473657 to 89474348 691 - pseudogene predicted gene 28671
Gm28673 Y 89607659 to 89610894 3235 - lincRNA gene predicted gene 28673
Gm28674 Y 89636206 to 89639438 3232 - lincRNA gene predicted gene 28674
Gm28531 Y 89656606 to 89657301 695 + pseudogene predicted gene 28531