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Genes and genomic regions

Find data in MPD that are associated with a particular mouse gene or chromosomal region.

Gene / region search:

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Or, retrieve using chromosome coordinate ranges in Mbp or bp e.g.   17:44-45   ..or..   X:22500000-23000000

Click here to work with the entire chromosomal region Y:68901102-69671798

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15 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Gm28633 Y 68898829 to 68901325 2496 - lincRNA gene predicted gene 28633
Gm29410 Y 68951290 to 68951983 693 + pseudogene predicted gene 29410
Gm28819 Y 68986605 to 68997200 10595 + pseudogene predicted gene 28819
Gm28462 Y 68999952 to 69001511 1559 - lincRNA gene predicted gene 28462
Gm20818 Y 69017824 to 69018507 683 + pseudogene predicted gene, 20818
Gm21151 Y 69092807 to 69093490 683 + pseudogene predicted gene, 21151
Gm29409 Y 69200934 to 69203089 2155 - lincRNA gene predicted gene 29409
Gm28632 Y 69241518 to 69244757 3239 - lincRNA gene predicted gene 28632
Gm28101 Y 69286102 to 69286798 696 + pseudogene predicted gene 28101
Gm33815 Y 69321132 to 69331861 10729 + protein coding gene predicted gene, 33815
Gm21160 Y 69352610 to 69353305 695 + pseudogene predicted gene, 21160
Gm28637 Y 69380245 to 69383755 3510 + pseudogene predicted gene 28637
Gm28636 Y 69449055 to 69449750 695 - pseudogene predicted gene 28636
Gm20932 Y 69625835 to 69626518 683 - pseudogene predicted gene, 20932
Gm29134 Y 69670176 to 69670660 484 + pseudogene predicted gene 29134