Genes and genomic regions

Find data in MPD that are associated with a particular mouse gene or chromosomal region.

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15 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Gm33954 Y 22920120 to 22923358 3238 - lincRNA gene predicted gene, 33954
Gm37538 Y 22955350 to 22958699 3349 + lincRNA gene predicted gene, 37538
Gm21871 Y 22964787 to 22965482 695 + pseudogene predicted gene, 21871
Gm34274 Y 23001659 to 23002273 614 + pseudogene predicted gene, 34274
Gm34217 Y 23013406 to 23014950 1544 - lincRNA gene predicted gene, 34217
Gm21469 Y 23031235 to 23031930 695 + pseudogene predicted gene, 21469
Gm21661 Y 23097865 to 23098560 695 + pseudogene predicted gene, 21661
Gm37952 Y 23212218 to 23215455 3237 - lincRNA gene predicted gene, 37952
Gm21907 Y 23240258 to 23240953 695 + pseudogene predicted gene, 21907
Gm37627 Y 23277187 to 23277801 614 + pseudogene predicted gene, 37627
Gm20925 Y 23306767 to 23307462 695 + pseudogene predicted gene, 20925
Gm20926 Y 23381504 to 23382187 683 + pseudogene predicted gene, 20926
Gm37454 Y 23539194 to 23542427 3233 - lincRNA gene predicted gene, 37454
Gm38138 Y 23611872 to 23612567 695 + pseudogene predicted gene, 38138
Gm29740 Y 23672821 to 23697377 24556 - pseudogene predicted gene, 29740