Genes and genomic regions

Find data in MPD that are associated with a particular mouse gene or chromosomal region.

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Or, retrieve using chromosome coordinate ranges in Mbp or bp e.g.   17:44-45   ..or..   X:22500000-23000000

Click here to work with the entire chromosomal region X:135343835-135533830

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11 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Gm15017 X 135329761 to 135349127 19366 + unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene 15017
Gm6215 X 135349021 to 135352020 2999 + pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6215
Gm5128 X 135373284 to 135383393 10109 + protein coding gene predicted gene 5128
Gm22006 X 135384915 to 135385028 113 - snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22006
Gm6221 X 135409856 to 135412952 3096 + pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6221
Gm7903 X 135433835 to 135443830 9995 + protein coding gene predicted gene 7903
Gm24416 X 135445519 to 135445632 113 - snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24416
Gm7905 X 135470455 to 135473527 3072 + pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7905
AV320801 X 135494588 to 135504594 10006 + protein coding gene expressed sequence AV320801
Gm22233 X 135506257 to 135506370 113 - snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22233
Gm15015 X 135519591 to 135549316 29725 + unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene 15015