Genes and genomic regions

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23 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Gas8 8 123518834 to 123536650 17816 + protein coding gene growth arrest specific 8
n-R5s100 8 123538786 to 123538904 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 100
n-R5s101 8 123540493 to 123540611 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 101
n-R5s102 8 123542178 to 123542296 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 102
n-R5s103 8 123543873 to 123543991 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 103
n-R5s104 8 123545578 to 123545696 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 104
n-R5s105 8 123547265 to 123547383 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 105
n-R5s106 8 123548956 to 123549074 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 106
n-R5s107 8 123550667 to 123550785 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 107
n-R5s108 8 123552364 to 123552482 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 108
n-R5s109 8 123554060 to 123554178 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 109
n-R5s110 8 123555763 to 123555881 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 110
n-R5s111 8 123557490 to 123557608 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 111
n-R5s112 8 123559201 to 123559319 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 112
n-R5s113 8 123560888 to 123561006 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 113
n-R5s114 8 123562595 to 123562713 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 114
n-R5s115 8 123564286 to 123564404 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 115
Gm25018 8 123565969 to 123566087 118 - rRNA gene predicted gene, 25018
n-R5s117 8 123567637 to 123567755 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 117
n-R5s118 8 123569328 to 123569446 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 118
n-R5s119 8 123571001 to 123571119 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 119
n-R5s120 8 123572710 to 123572828 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 120
n-R5s121 8 123574397 to 123574515 118 - rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 121