Genes and genomic regions

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25 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Gm30362 6 48275245 to 48338162 62917 + lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30362
n-TCgca50 6 48293007 to 48293078 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 50 (anticodon GCA)
n-Tcgca44 6 48297433 to 48297504 71 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 44 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca27 6 48298950 to 48299021 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 27 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca6 6 48302459 to 48302530 71 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 6 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca17 6 48303465 to 48303536 71 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 17 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca7 6 48305464 to 48305535 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 7 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca16 6 48308729 to 48308800 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 16 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca26 6 48309707 to 48309778 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 26 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca9 6 48311499 to 48311570 71 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 9 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca25 6 48313018 to 48313089 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 25 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca2 6 48316537 to 48316606 69 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 2 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca45 6 48317515 to 48317586 71 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 45 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca24 6 48332840 to 48332911 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 24 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca23 6 48336108 to 48336179 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 23 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca22 6 48337091 to 48337162 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 22 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca14 6 48340613 to 48340684 71 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 14 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca5 6 48341588 to 48341659 71 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 5 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca21 6 48349762 to 48349833 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 21 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca20 6 48354019 to 48354090 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 20 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca46 6 48355855 to 48355926 71 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 46 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca11 6 48356851 to 48356922 71 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 11 (anticodon GCA)
n-TCgca19 6 48363532 to 48363603 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA cysteine 19 (anticodon GCA)
Gm44696 6 48374136 to 48395408 21272 - lincRNA gene predicted gene 44696
Gm7880 6 48381190 to 48382060 870 - pseudogene predicted gene 7880