Genes and genomic regions

Find data in MPD that are associated with a particular mouse gene or chromosomal region.

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24 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Gm44526 6 130545179 to 130545299 120 - pseudogene predicted gene 44526
Gm8816 6 130567639 to 130568801 1162 + pseudogene predicted gene 8816
Gm26996 6 130579766 to 130591682 11916 - pseudogene predicted gene, 26996
Gm26914 6 130617488 to 130617710 222 + pseudogene predicted gene, 26914
Gm27047 6 130629056 to 130630874 1818 - pseudogene predicted gene, 27047
Gm20997 6 130721388 to 130721618 230 - pseudogene predicted gene, 20997
Gm44527 6 130728161 to 130747623 19462 - pseudogene predicted gene 44527
D6Ott32 6 130771047 to 130771444 397 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 6, Animal Research Centre, Ottawa 32
Gm18423 6 130776236 to 130777309 1073 + pseudogene predicted gene, 18423
Gm44525 6 130786622 to 130799987 13365 - pseudogene predicted gene 44525
Gm44118 6 130825832 to 130826060 228 + pseudogene predicted gene, 44118
Gm21940 6 130838105 to 130840382 2277 - pseudogene predicted gene, 21940
Gm33962 6 130868228 to 130888691 20463 - pseudogene predicted gene, 33962
Gm44128 6 130911171 to 130911389 218 - pseudogene predicted gene, 44128
Gm6608 6 130914982 to 130980516 65534 - pseudogene predicted gene 6608
Gm44988 6 130939248 to 130940408 1160 - pseudogene predicted gene 44988
Gm44828 6 130953357 to 130953462 105 - pseudogene predicted gene 44828
Gm44989 6 130980290 to 130980506 216 - pseudogene predicted gene 44989
Gm44133 6 130987148 to 131003919 16771 - pseudogene predicted gene, 44133
Gm44134 6 131038181 to 131052469 14288 - pseudogene predicted gene, 44134
Gm44149 6 131071820 to 131072045 225 + pseudogene predicted gene, 44149
Gm44150 6 131084231 to 131104337 20106 - pseudogene predicted gene, 44150
Gm8837 6 131130944 to 131132687 1743 + pseudogene predicted gene 8837
Gm5581 6 131166104 to 131182379 16275 - pseudogene predicted gene 5581