Genes and genomic regions

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6 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
D5Mit338 5 108614643 to 108614761 118 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 5, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 338
Hmtb4 5 108614643 to 126805880 18191237 QTL hemostasis and thrombosis rebleeding time 4
Nmf15 5 108614643 to 140687148 32072505 heritable phenotypic marker neuroscience mutagenesis facility, 15
repro14 5 108614643 to 113883925 5269282 heritable phenotypic marker reproductive mutant 14, JAX Reproductive Mutagenesis Program
Rgcs1 5 108614761 to 55230992 -53383769 QTL retinal ganglion cell susceptible 1
Tssr47843 5 108620221 to 108620225 4 + TSS region transcription start site region 47843