Genes and genomic regions

Find data in MPD that are associated with a particular mouse gene or chromosomal region.

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Click here to work with the entire chromosomal region 2:131925855-131975867

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14 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Prnp 2 131909928 to 131938429 28501 + protein coding gene prion protein
Prn 2 131909957 to 131956130 46173 + protein coding gene prion protein readthrough transcript
Tssr20284 2 131936698 to 131936714 16 + TSS region transcription start site region 20284
Tssr20285 2 131936792 to 131936804 12 + TSS region transcription start site region 20285
Tssr661 2 131936814 to 131936826 12 + TSS region transcription start site region 661
Tssr20286 2 131937005 to 131937018 13 + TSS region transcription start site region 20286
Tssr20287 2 131937127 to 131937146 19 + TSS region transcription start site region 20287
Tssr20288 2 131937458 to 131937476 18 + TSS region transcription start site region 20288
Tssr20289 2 131950855 to 131950867 12 + TSS region transcription start site region 20289
Prnd 2 131950861 to 131956130 5269 + protein coding gene prion like protein doppel
Tssr20290 2 131951011 to 131951028 17 + TSS region transcription start site region 20290
Cpgi12297 2 131953092 to 131953549 457 CpG island CpG island 12297
Tssr26420 2 131954993 to 131955008 15 - TSS region transcription start site region 26420
Cpgi12298 2 131955343 to 131955565 222 CpG island CpG island 12298