Genes and genomic regions

Find data in MPD that are associated with a particular mouse gene or chromosomal region.

Gene / region search:

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Or, retrieve using chromosome coordinate ranges in Mbp or bp e.g.   17:44-45   ..or..   X:22500000-23000000

Click here to work with the entire chromosomal region 19:44699977-44740709

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4 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Cpgi10907 19 44719977 to 44720709 732 CpG island CpG island 10907
Cpgi10908 19 44726031 to 44726473 442 CpG island CpG island 10908
Cpgi10909 19 44734150 to 44735206 1056 CpG island CpG island 10909
Gm35610 19 44740179 to 44742943 2764 + lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35610