Genes and genomic regions

Find data in MPD that are associated with a particular mouse gene or chromosomal region.

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Or, retrieve using chromosome coordinate ranges in Mbp or bp e.g.   17:44-45   ..or..   X:22500000-23000000

Click here to work with the entire chromosomal region 19:11987236-12017308

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14 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Osbp 19 11965844 to 11994105 28261 + protein coding gene oxysterol binding protein
n-TFgaa6 19 12002236 to 12002308 72 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA pheylalanine 6 (anticodon GAA)
Cpgi10639 19 12005469 to 12005674 205 CpG island CpG island 10639
n-TKctt29 19 12006039 to 12006111 72 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA lysine 29 (anticodon TTT)
n-TFgaa2 19 12008545 to 12008617 72 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA pheylalanine 2 (anticodon GAA)
n-TKctt30 19 12009696 to 12009768 72 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA lysine 30 (anticodon TTT)
Gm31151 19 12010115 to 12018404 8289 + lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31151
Cpgi10640 19 12010150 to 12010750 600 CpG island CpG island 10640
Tssr155307 19 12010523 to 12010534 11 + TSS region transcription start site region 155307
n-TLtaa4 19 12011086 to 12011168 82 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA leucine 4 (anticodon TAA)
n-TRtct1 19 12011588 to 12011673 85 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA arginine 1 (anticodon TCT)
Cpgi10641 19 12011597 to 12012005 408 CpG island CpG island 10641
n-TVtac1 19 12011931 to 12012003 72 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA valine 1 (anticodon TAC)
n-TVtac2 19 12012266 to 12012338 72 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA valine 2 (anticodon TAC)