Genes and genomic regions

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12 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
D16Mit85 16 49344643 to 49344768 125 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 16, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 85
D16Ium61 16 49362747 to 49362937 190 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 16, Indiana University Medical 61
Gm18694 16 49369052 to 49370277 1225 + pseudogene predicted gene, 18694
D16Mit91 16 49398727 to 49398872 145 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 16, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 91
Gm4802 16 49412261 to 49412630 369 - protein coding gene predicted gene 4802
Gm6931 16 49424806 to 49425814 1008 + pseudogene predicted gene 6931
Cypr1 16 49492432 to 49492570 138 QTL cytokine production 1
D16Mit15 16 49492432 to 49492570 138 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 16, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 15
Gm35938 16 49562934 to 49568000 5066 - protein coding gene predicted gene, 35938
Gm31494 16 49572319 to 49644652 72333 - lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31494
D16Mit42 16 49620462 to 49620585 123 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 16, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 42
D16Mit196 16 49662817 to 49662939 122 DNA segment DNA Segment, Chr 16, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 196