Genes and genomic regions

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9 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Hcbip1 14 47097793 to 59725144 12627351 QTL hexachlorobenzene induced porphyria 1
Skull21 14 59724967 to 59725144 177 QTL skull morphology 21
Bglq15 14 59724967 to 59725144 177 QTL body growth late QTL 15
D14Mit5 14 59724967 to 59725144 177 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 14, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5
D14Mit113 14 59799821 to 59799969 148 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 14, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 113
Mors3 14 59799821 to 59799969 148 QTL modifier of obesity related sterility 3
Nilac8 14 59828398 to 59828596 198 QTL nicotine induced locomotor activity 8
D14Mit155 14 59828398 to 59828596 198 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 14, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 155
Bbaa21 14 59828398 to 59828596 198 QTL B.burgdorferi-associated arthritis 21