Genes and genomic regions

Find data in MPD that are associated with a particular mouse gene or chromosomal region.

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Or, retrieve using chromosome coordinate ranges in Mbp or bp e.g.   17:44-45   ..or..   X:22500000-23000000

Click here to work with the entire chromosomal region 13:45046966-45067068

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8 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Pcd4ts2 13 45056966 to 45057068 102 QTL p-glycoprotein positive CD4 T cell subset 2
Bxs7 13 45056966 to 83596627 38539661 QTL BXSB/MpJ autoimmune nephritis 7
Bxs6 13 45056966 to 83596627 38539661 QTL BXSB/MpJ autoimmune nephritis 6
D13Mit64 13 45056966 to 45057068 102 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 13, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 64
Cpgi5529 13 45059283 to 45059443 160 CpG island CpG island 5529
D13Mit245 13 45063903 to 45064039 136 DNA segment DNA segment, Chr 13, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 245
Vtbt15 13 45063903 to 45064039 136 QTL vertebral trabecular bone trait 15
Heal21 13 45063903 to 45064039 136 QTL wound healing/regeneration 21