Genes and genomic regions

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43 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Hist1h2bl 13 21715763 to 21716143 380 - protein coding gene histone cluster 1, H2bl
Cpgi5324 13 21716115 to 21716452 337 CpG island CpG island 5324
Tssr121666 13 21716175 to 21716189 14 - TSS region transcription start site region 121666
Tssr118784 13 21716385 to 21716401 16 + TSS region transcription start site region 118784
Hist1h2ai 13 21716422 to 21716814 392 + protein coding gene histone cluster 1, H2ai
Gm44367 13 21716667 to 21716804 137 - miRNA gene predicted gene, 44367
Cpgi5325 13 21717506 to 21717682 176 CpG island CpG island 5325
Tssr118785 13 21717626 to 21717631 5 + TSS region transcription start site region 118785
Hist1h3h 13 21717659 to 21718069 410 + protein coding gene histone cluster 1, H3h
Gm44357 13 21721433 to 21721574 141 + miRNA gene predicted gene, 44357
Hist1h2aj 13 21721457 to 21721808 351 - pseudogene histone cluster 1, H2aj
Cpgi5326 13 21721764 to 21722537 773 CpG island CpG island 5326
Tssr121667 13 21721795 to 21721811 16 - TSS region transcription start site region 121667
Tssr121668 13 21721815 to 21721867 52 - TSS region transcription start site region 121668
Hist1h2bm 13 21722044 to 21722526 482 + protein coding gene histone cluster 1, H2bm
Tssr118786 13 21722057 to 21722073 16 + TSS region transcription start site region 118786
Cpgi5327 13 21734955 to 21735595 640 CpG island CpG island 5327
Hist1h4j 13 21735034 to 21735456 422 + protein coding gene histone cluster 1, H4j
Tssr118787 13 21735055 to 21735070 15 + TSS region transcription start site region 118787
Tssr121669 13 21746316 to 21746348 32 - TSS region transcription start site region 121669
Cpgi5328 13 21750067 to 21750603 536 CpG island CpG island 5328
Hist1h4k 13 21750194 to 21750505 311 - protein coding gene histone cluster 1, H4k
Tssr121670 13 21750535 to 21750543 8 - TSS region transcription start site region 121670
Tssr118788 13 21750747 to 21750753 6 + TSS region transcription start site region 118788
Cpgi5329 13 21753328 to 21754154 826 CpG island CpG island 5329
Tssr118789 13 21753427 to 21753454 27 + TSS region transcription start site region 118789
Hist1h2ak 13 21753435 to 21753827 392 - protein coding gene histone cluster 1, H2ak
Gm44454 13 21753445 to 21753582 137 + miRNA gene predicted gene, 44454
Tssr121671 13 21753455 to 21753470 15 - TSS region transcription start site region 121671
Tssr121672 13 21753661 to 21753699 38 - TSS region transcription start site region 121672
Tssr121673 13 21753851 to 21753868 17 - TSS region transcription start site region 121673
Tssr118790 13 21754031 to 21754045 14 + TSS region transcription start site region 118790
Tssr118791 13 21754053 to 21754061 8 + TSS region transcription start site region 118791
Tssr118792 13 21754067 to 21754083 16 + TSS region transcription start site region 118792
Tssr118793 13 21754088 to 21754093 5 + TSS region transcription start site region 118793
Hist1h2bn 13 21754123 to 21754503 380 + protein coding gene histone cluster 1, H2bn
Gm11274 13 21769125 to 21770476 1351 + lincRNA gene predicted gene 11274
Cpgi5330 13 21779255 to 21779538 283 CpG island CpG island 5330
Hist1h1b 13 21779883 to 21780625 742 - protein coding gene histone cluster 1, H1b
Tssr121674 13 21780148 to 21780185 37 - TSS region transcription start site region 121674
Cpgi5331 13 21780238 to 21780750 512 CpG island CpG island 5331
Tssr4006 13 21780445 to 21780456 11 - TSS region transcription start site region 4006
Tssr121675 13 21780616 to 21780632 16 - TSS region transcription start site region 121675