Genes and genomic regions

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13 genes found.
Gene symbol Chromo-
Coordinates (bp, mm10) Size (bp) Strand Feature Type Gene name
Ctc1 11 69015911 to 69036473 20562 + protein coding gene CTS telomere maintenance complex component 1
n-TIaat5 11 69037003 to 69037076 73 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA isoleucine 5 (anticodon AAT)
Cpgi3092 11 69037071 to 69037478 407 CpG island CpG island 3092
n-TSaga4 11 69037477 to 69037558 81 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA serine 4 (anticodon AGA)
n-TTagt8 11 69037853 to 69037926 73 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA threonine 8 (anticodon AGT)
nmf65 11 69039071 to 89076112 20037041 heritable phenotypic marker neuroscience mutagenesis facility, 65
D11Mit368 11 69039071 to 69039189 118 DNA segment DNA Segment, Chr 11, Massachusetts Institute of Technology-368
Cpgi3093 11 69039885 to 69040844 959 CpG island CpG island 3093
n-TPcgg3 11 69040385 to 69040456 71 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA proline 3 (anticodon CGG)
n-TDgtc9 11 69040984 to 69041055 71 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA aspartic acid 9 (anticodon GTC)
n-TGtcc6 11 69041278 to 69041349 71 - tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA glycine 6 (anticodon TCC)
Cpgi3094 11 69041633 to 69041912 279 CpG island CpG island 3094
n-TWcca7 11 69041826 to 69041897 71 + tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA trytophan 7 (anticodon CCA)